Sunday, November 06, 2005

Million Dollar Baby

這幾天看了Million Dollar Baby, 雖然這部片已經上映一陣子, 但是我卻看了二次. 其實沒甚麼神奇的元素, 只是有關一個女孩子有著比一般人更旺盛的鬥志, 堅韌與執著自己的夢想. 但電影裡卻有著很多人生的無奈. 不論是年紀大的選手抱不被期待的夢想, 或是不可能想像的奇蹟勝利, 沒有家人那份愛的孤獨, 甚至最後無可避免的悲傷結局... 我覺得沒有看過這部片的朋友趕快借來看吧, 會讓你對生命有更多感觸.


  1. David 不允許我看這部電影:P

  2. This movie starts off as an "against all odds" boxing movie but then transitions itself into a movie about assisted suicide. There was no mention of this in the movie trailer. To me this makes me think that Clint Eastwood used this move as a platform of what his beliefs are...Which is... suicide is ok. Is asking someone to end your life ok? Just a thought.

  3. I dont denied that the movie is a bit sad and suggest "assisting suicide", but the way i see the movie is an extrmely conplicated situation that mix w/ friendship, emotions. not an easy decision to make in life, and i dont know what i would do if im in "Frankie"'s shoe. I think movie is good to make me think about life and given situation that we have no control over. but the movie made me sad for few days....not sure i will watche it again.

  4. 超悲哀的結局~~~

  5. 看完我覺得他們的人生沒有意義

  6. really?
    why not?
    i thought the whole film is about fighting the odd and believing yourself, and friendships. its not about what you have in this world, it is about how you lived your life.

