Monday, September 03, 2007


時間: 星期日下午09.03.2007
人物: 拔拔, 馬麻, 若雅, 和欣妮阿姨
地點: South Coast Plaza

今天下午教會結束後, 因為大人不在家, 我們都沒有飯吃, 聊到後來變成我們陪欣妮阿姨去買訂婚的東西, 所以也是我們小若雅第一次去逛街喔!

欣妮阿姨開車帶著我們去了South Coast Plaza, 就是加州最大的Mall, 人還滿多的哩, 大家都出來吹冷氣, 昨天100度的天氣, 今天不高啦, 只不過110而已啦~~~~~ 挖勒哩, 最近還真的給它有點誇張~

小若雅在早上只要吃飽, 通常都會狂睡, 再怎麼吵都沒有關係, 所以她就一路睡到底. 只是喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ的時間, 她都會很準時起床要喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 喝完繼續睡. 今天馬麻我也體會到, 在外面餵小若雅ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 和帶她去廁所換尿布, 只能說帶小北鼻出門一切都要準備好, 有很多的狀況, 要慢慢去克服~

本來從來沒注意過, 才發現好多拔拔馬麻都推著小北鼻出來逛街哩, 怎麼左看又看, 好像每個北鼻都比小若雅大? 我們小若雅還長得真秀氣, 哈哈哈阿哈哈阿............

晚上欣妮阿姨請小若雅吃飯, 我們去了California Pizza Kitchen, 當然是我幫小若雅吃, 她喝我ㄋㄟㄋㄟ才可以吃到ㄇㄟ, 挖哈哈哈阿哈哈.......... 謝謝欣妮阿姨!!!

吃飽後我們就去隔壁的Dairy Queen吃神奇的Chocolate Dip, 想想要將冰淇淋Dip到很熱的巧克力裡, 又不會融化, 真的滿厲害的, 而且好好吃喔!!!

回家的時候, 小若雅因為肚子餓, 一路哭回家, 第一次在車上小若雅這樣哭, 平常一上車, 小若雅一定呼呼大睡的. 一回到家, 趕快先餵飽我們家的小公主, 今天在外面一整天, 所以還特地幫小若雅洗了個澡.


California Pizza Kitchen >

Dairy Queen >


  1. Shopping with a baby could be really fun!

    I didn't like to change Austin in the restroom, so I always bring a changing pad and change him on any surface.

    Also, I didn't like to nurse him in the nursing room because they're not available everywhere. So I just pick a chair and nurse him anywhere. I find that the best place to nurse is in the shoes department inside the department stores. There're chairs everywhere!

    And I usually carry Austin in a Bjorn. Strollers are not as convinent when you need to go up and down the floors and thru a smaller store. Best of all, I can use the bathroom with him on me in the Bjorn!

    Have fun!

  2. Zoya starts her RETAIL THERAPY at such young age.... heeeee.....

    My children love Dairy Queen's chocolate dip also... used to trek up the hill from my mom's place in Seattle just to eat THAT.... haaa

  3. 雖說是遠足日,不過我看小若雅
