Tuesday, September 22, 2009


說到威爺那份新工作, 其實也都還沒有真的確定下來, 這幾天就陸陸續續聽到不同的聲音.....

"哇! 有工作那就趕快去做吧, 多少人沒有工作, 還找不到工作呢?", "Go with your passion! 既然有自己的計畫, 應該照著自己的Passion去做吧!","有關太陽能的公司, 是新的科技, 現在最熱門的, 對未來很有幫助喔!","好近的公司, 真的是太好了, 感謝主!"......

不過也聽到有一些對這家公司不是很好的評語, 像是整個公司的政策啦, 薪水常常算錯, 本來答應要給的Bonus也沒有給啦.....

說實在的威爺的失業救濟金也快滿一年了, 如果威爺接受了這份工作有了薪水, 失業救濟金也會沒有, 如果真的發現不喜歡這份工作, 馬上辭掉就真的一點收入都沒有了! 不過如果威爺接受了這份工作, 做得還不錯的話, 我們的生活費又可以更多!

我們真的二頭霧水, 到底要不要接受這份工作呢? 還是照著我們的計畫進行呢?

願上帝讓我們能安靜下來, 這幾天努力為這件事禱告, 希望可以趕快從矛盾中做出正確的抉擇!


  1. God will guide you guys as He has guide David in the old times. Go with the decision that brings you most peace as affirmed by the Holy spirit.

  2. Urr, i heard some very bad things about this company, too. It's definitely not a secured job. It's okay if you don't have anything line up yet and have nothing to lose, then just treat this as a temp thing. But, if you still qualify for benefit, i'll say the goverment is a beter bet. Just my two cents. :)

  3. guys can you leave your name next time when you leave a comments?....thanks
