Friday, September 10, 2010



今天中午去接小若雅的時候, Mrs. Susie就抱著說Byebye的小若雅說"You want to be a leader, hum?", 老師說小若雅每次都是First one wants to be in the front, 而且做每件事都要爭第一"To be the FIRST"!

我一臉疑惑的說"Really"??? 我知道小若雅只要在一個環境一熟起來就會變得比較主動, 甚至都會教別的小朋友應該怎麼做一件事情, 要不然在一個新的環境小若雅都會很安靜很害羞好一陣子......

或許小若雅已經熟悉這個學校和老師了, 也就比較會表現自己, 小若雅喜歡做什麼事情都自己來, 可以說很獨立, 也可以看出來他的聰明和機靈!

說實在的小若雅ABCabc, 123, 形狀顏色大中小對他來說都已經是小Case, 已經都熟到不能再熟了, 只希望從這些小若雅熟到不能再熟的學習當中, 可以建立更多的自信心!


  1. Hi
    My friend introduce your blog to me few months ago and I really love your stories and post. My daughter is about 9 months old now and I really looking forward to the experience you just went thru. I think you and your daubhter interaction are so cute and adorable. Keep up post good littel stories and food hints :).
    Oh speaking of food, the meatball that you metioned while back, I love their meatball too and during Moon festivial they sell authentic Taiwanese style moon cake, may be you want to check it out, yummy.


  2. Dear K.C.,

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    About the meatball, I love eating it so much, and I know they have green bean moon cakes as well. We are going to order some for sure!

    It's great to hear from you and it is nice to know you!

