Thursday, September 07, 2006


自從開始創立這個布拉格, 每天生活開始變得更加充實起來, 會想更要好好過自己的每一天, 把它一一記錄下來. 每天都會用盡腦汁想要寫些什麼, 要分享什麼, 或是做Research找很多相關的資料, 為的就是讓所有路過威嫂不拉格的可以得到些什麼, 並帶著從神的愛與喜樂離開這片威嫂的小天地.

從一開始已經將這個部落格獻給神, 願威嫂的不拉格可以成為神恩典的管道與出口, 也相信每個人來到這裡的人都會受到祝福. 寫寫自己的心情在這個小天地抒發一下, 再加上自己拍的照片, 每次在留言板上的互動, 自己受到肯定與鼓勵, 都會更加的開心. 生活也豐富起來~!

這幾天開始看到很多, 應該說沒想到有好幾個老大們對於姊妹們寫不拉格, 開始有點不爽, 也開始抱怨起來, 因此傷了很多姊妹們用心經營的這片小天地. 他們為姊妹們的生活感到抱歉, 覺得這一切都是沒有意義的. 威嫂我相信各位老大們是愛姊妹們的, 他們不想姊妹們成天就在電腦前, 虛度無謂的光陰, 還有生命裡更有意義與價值的事要做, 可能真的需要溝通再溝通吧~! 畢竟每個人的價值觀都不同, 男生跟女生想法和思考又大大不同了........ 難道老大們吃姊妹們布拉格的醋? 忌妒姊妹們只花時間在寫不拉格而忽略他們嗎? 還是沒花時間好好陪陪他們成天只想著自己的不拉格?

只希望各位老大們, 給姊妹們一個每天可以抒發心情的小角落吧~


aiwen said...

Greetings from Taiwan! Austin and I were up all night playing.

aiwen said...

How much time is too much time spent on the blog?? I spent about 1-2 hours total everday on the computer(including shopping on-line)! 我们家的老大, Austin, is not too thrilled about it! So I do it when he's asleep! My husband is never home, and when he's home, he's sleeping, so he could care less!

沙子娘 said...

How come he's never home?

My husband actually pretty support about the blog thing. He checks my blog and my friends' very often. He seems to enjoy it! Hope other husbands will understand and maybe thinks this is fun... and then they start to build their own, like Will does. hehe!

aiwen said...

to 沙子娘:

My husband spent half of his time in China! When he's home, he's tired and sleeping all the time. He sleeps about 8-10 hours a day. On the weekend, he can sleep 24 hours if no one wakes him up! Why he sleep so much? Because he's 45 already! And I guess also because over weight people sleep more, and eat more, and becomes even more over weight, and so on and so forth!

Even if he has the time, he prefers to be a couch potato. He doesn't spend too much time on the computer because we're both not very good with computers. I guess it's because we're older, and we're lazy! Starting a "blog" is already giving me a headache sometimes! But it lets me meet friends like you guys! So I'll just let the "old boss" do whatever he wants so he'll let me do whatever I want!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

喔 我贊成 偶贊成....哈哈哈哈阿ㄏㄏ
偶都是用武力....禱告 哈哈阿哈哈
雖然有時候會唸我一下拉 哈哈哈哈

耶耶耶耶 我加入娘子軍團 哈哈哈ㄏ

Claire Shieh said...

I like how aiwen says: " How much time is too much time spent on the blog??" Long time ago, David told me I spend to much time on the blog. At that time I ask God" Do I really spend too much time on the blog?" Sometimes our husband complain to us something. Very often, that can be something we don't see in ourself. (Usually guys don't like to complain) Male and female are very different, sometimes, something that I wasn't aware of, God gives us husband to help us. That is how make the marriage so marvellously; God give husbands authority, espeically, if your husband love God, be careful with what he want to discuss with you. I took that might be a warning from God to me. said...

Amen to Claire ! a woman with wisdom from God.
and guys usually DO NOT complain......................

ps. i'm ready to sleep on the floor tonite.

Anonymous said...

ha ha, 這算什麼!!