眼看妳已經二十三歲了, 看著妳小時候抱著狗的照片, 原來妳超愛Browny是有原因的. 妳從小就愛狗. 突然有個靈感我一一找出我們小時候和現在位置和排列相同的照片(除了最後一張, 我們長大後好像再也沒有一起騎腳踏車了), 後來發現妳是從一個OO臉的小Baby, 變成現在婷婷玉立. 我想妳變最多. 看著我們三姊妹的照片, 好想哭喔, 我們的感情是沒有任何人事物可以取代的, 讓我也好想有很多小孩像我們家這樣, 我覺得很幸福. 今年暑假妳剛畢業, 也希望妳能找到妳生命中的方向, 雖然在學校看日劇和韓劇一面工作又上網是很自由(妳老闆應該不會看我的布拉格吧...哈哈), 但還是希望妳設下妳找到生活中的動力, 或等我畢業我們一起開店吧~! 妳不是說我們一起創業一定會很成功嗎, 呵呵... 給我一年嘍. 在這裡最重要的還是要祝妳生日快樂(別忘了還有威爺也說生日快樂, 現在多一個他, 哈), 並謝謝妳為我Bridal Shower和婚禮所做的每一件事, 希望妳每年生日一年比一年更開心, 也願上帝的靈時時充滿妳, 使妳有智慧, 有聰明, 有知識, 能作各樣的工, 並願神的愛與恩典豐豐富富在妳身上, 並使妳有一顆活潑的心! 神的道是活潑的, 是有功效的, 比一切兩刃的劍更快, 甚至魂與靈, 骨節與骨髓, 都能刺入剖開, 連心中的思念和主意, 都能辨明. 很感謝上帝給我一個像妳這麼可愛的妹妹, 愛妳喔!
Best wishes!
Dear Ruth,
Happy Birthday!!
那天回台灣玩時,記得call我,我會好好招待妳這位妹妹! 吃吃喝喝及看fashion show!
HEEEYYY Baby Ruth! No longer a baby! Now a pretty young woman! God has made a wonderful person! Happy Birthday...
Hope you are having fun and all.
We have to go out and celebrate this week oh!!
She's an angel,
Comes down from the sky.
She's an angel,
we all wonder why?
She has the wings to fly,
yet she comes down tonight,
bring us joys and show us cares,
with the smiles that make our day.
She has love that touches our soul,
and she's the angel we always love.
Her passion melts our beating heart,
her courage carries us moving up.
She gave us her friendship,
that's the most wonderful things I want to keep.
And today is our turn,
to show her our loves,
Happy Big-day to HsiaoJuyun :P
happy birthady to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday....happy birthday
happy birthday.....to you
now eat the cake
now go to drink
go sleep......
Wowoooo, you are so popular, Ruthy!
THANK YOU So MUCH for the SwEeT Message!!! wow.. I didn't know I'm that popular~ you guys can come sign my guest book if you want.. haha.. ^0^ *Janice,I copy ur msg and paste it onto my guestbook already! haha*
Except you forgot to copy mine!?!?
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