Thursday, June 12, 2008

Meimei's beloved auntie Sydney and uncle Will!

昨天下午小若雅的Sydney阿姨下班後跑來找她, 那時小若雅正好跟我躺在床上準備睡午覺, 我都快睡著了, 小若雅還精力充沛的不想睡午覺的在床上爬來爬去, 跳來跳去, 其實小若雅已經跟我在床上蹦蹦跳跳的好幾個小時了!

Sydney阿姨就說她想要帶小若雅去她的公寓玩, 就把小若雅帶走了, 讓我這個馬麻可以趕快休息幾個小時, 有自己的Quality Time!

沒想到晚上Sydney阿姨和Will叔叔帶小若雅回來的時候, 還送了小若雅一隻小狗狗, 那小狗狗看起來就好軟好舒服的樣子, 超可愛的!

Sydney阿姨從小若雅在馬麻我肚子裡的時候, 就常常在超音波裡看著她長大, 連在產房Sydney阿姨也眼看著小若雅生出來, 一直到現在Sydney阿姨就像是小若雅的另外一個媽一樣的疼她!

連要去Sydney阿姨家聚會, Sydney阿姨和Will叔叔還特地買了小若雅可以玩得小積木玩具, 還有小點心, 等著小若雅來的時候可以玩可以吃, 真的是太太太貼心了!

小若雅也知道Sydney阿姨和Will叔叔很疼她, 每次Sydney阿姨和Will叔叔來的時候都會很開心的給他們抱, 真的是沒有白疼小若雅啦!

謝謝Sydney阿姨和Will叔叔這樣的愛小若雅喔!Dear zoya's mama & baba,

meimei had a great time with us at our apartment this afternoon. we even took her to the shoppes but she fell asleep throughout the whole time. btw, she's heavy and it's extra heavy when uncle Will carried her in her car seat. heehee =)

here are some photos we took with my MAC! cool photo booth.

love you
Meimei's beloved auntie Sydney and uncle Will


Ms.Linda said...


Anonymous said...


Mommy Dearest said...

Mei Mei is truly blessed to be loved by so many people!