Tuesday, October 31, 2006


這幾天替拔拔過生日, 卻遲遲沒有吃到蛋糕. 那天去Shopping, 我們跑去小雅屋買了一個籃梅優酪蛋糕. 好不容易今天晚上大家都在家, 我們給了老爸令一個Surprise, 為他唱生日快樂吃蛋糕慶生. 現在我們家Brownie跟我拔拔最好了, 牠還會跟我拔拔撒嬌哩......

Sunday, October 29, 2006


這個玻璃十字架是在威尼斯Venice, Italy, 想了很久終於買下, 成為我們家三姊妹的寶貴十架. 每個十架是由不同顏色的玻璃一塊塊溶合而成, 就像神的愛一一將我們融合在一起. 早上去教會的時候看到Sydney & Ruth, 他們都戴上他們的寶貴十架, 很適合他們的衣服喔, 真的很好看~! 今天去教會多了很多新的弟兄姊妹, 也見到以前我在Hacienda Hts中華聯合教會中青的輔導王哥謝姊, 沒想到他們從東部搬到Chino Hills這邊, 還來到我拔拔的教會聚會, 他們的兒子也有七歲了吧, 時間過得真快. 第一次見到即將跟文科舉行婚禮的淑芬, 祝福這對11/19要舉行婚禮的新人, 願神的恩典滿滿在他們的身上. 也很高興見到二位年輕漂亮的媽媽Ema & Jennifer...... 教會結束後, 我們全家人去跑去清真館, 喔耶, 好香的芝麻大餅啊~!!! 其實我們家已經有一陣子沒來吃大餅了, 每次都是等我回來的時候, 在第一時間跑去吃個夠.好吃好吃, Yum... Yum... 下午我們家三姊妹, Ruth我馬麻跟我(Syd去讚美之泉幫忙Out Reach Event), 我們跑去Arcadia Mall Shopping, 沒想到一直逛到晚上, 真的是試穿到爽買到爽! 晚上我們三姊妹去鑽石廣場裡新開的迦南美味吃晚餐, 都是台灣的小吃, 我們一看到"迦南"就想到"迦南美地", 想想應該是基督徒開的餐廳吧, 所以就去捧場, 沒想到老闆娘真的是主裡面的姊妹, 還不錯吃喔~ 在LA就是這樣餐廳多到吃都吃不完哩...... 哇哈哈阿哈哈阿...... 我馬麻還跟我一起搞笑...... 這是蝦米? 對啦, 八寶冰!!! 這是我馬麻推薦我們去迦南美味的隔壁, "菊屋拉麵"的八寶冰, 多樣又便宜喔~! 繞著中間的刨冰一數還真的有八種料耶! 回到家, 哇勒, 怎麼我家怎麼突然跑出一隻這麼大隻的瓢蟲啊??? 哇哈哈哈哈阿哈...... 原來我家的Brownie這次Halloween要變成一隻瓢蟲啦, 超超超可愛的!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

超級任務, 成功!!!

哇哈哈哈哈哈...... 我只能大喊著, 超級任務, 成功! 看我拔拔笑得合不攏嘴眼淚亂飆的樣子, 應該深受感動吧! 哈哈哈哈阿哈哈......

今天是我拔拔的生日, 所以特別安排要給拔拔一個大驚喜. 全家人除了拔拔, 大家都超興奮的計劃著, 還要保守我要回來LA的秘密. 我一早最早的飛機從舊金山飛到洛杉磯Ontario, 感覺好像還在歐洲一早趕飛機, 不過很快的一個小時就到了. 小妹Ruth來接我, 她的公司正在搬家, 我跟著去看看, 然後我們就決定一起到半島吃飲茶, 也比較有藉口中午拉拔拔出來吃飯. 沒想到我跟小妹先到半島, 超多人, 我們是32號, 可是才到80幾號, 還要等到一百號才從頭開始算到32號才是我們, 真的超誇張, 所以我們跑去吃上林鐵板燒!!! 鐵板燒我怎麼可以錯過呢!!!

等Sydney帶著拔拔馬麻坐好位子, 我躲在Ruth身後, 然後突然的出現, 把拔拔深深的嚇了一大跳! 超好玩的! 哇哈哈哈阿哈....... 拔拔, 生日快樂喔~! 相信今年的生日一定夠刺激難忘吧! 哈哈哈...... 我們家的美女們, 我拔拔粉有艷福吧, 哈哈哈哈哈......

啊~!!! 超想念的Brownie, 還是一副頹廢樣, 每次回來它都很Sweet的繞著跑來跑去, 真的好可愛喔~!

Friday, October 27, 2006


藍就問她媽媽: 喔!怎麼說?
藍的媽媽說: 晚上要睡前, 看到很寶的寶在旁邊看棉被
藍的媽就很奇怪的站在棉被上面問他: 寶貝, 妳在看什麼?
如果藍的媽坐進去5公分...... 那,今晚事情就大條了!
––– 藍述的笑話

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Amici's East Coast Pizzeria

中午跟Amanda到威爺公司那邊吃午餐, 威爺帶我們去剛剛搬到Lombard Street的Amici's East Coast Pizzeria, 還滿不錯的. Amici's East Coast Pizzeria serves thin crust pizza cooked out of brick ovens. 所以那裡有三個大Brick Ovens, 可以看到他們把Pizza放進裡面烤, 烤出來跟在義大利吃到的一樣, 是很薄的脆皮, 還不錯吃, 我們三個人叫了一個15"的, 共有八塊, 吃到撐~ 飲料也是可以Refill, 喝到爽, 哈哈哈哈阿哈......... 吃飽了, 我和Amanda開始我們貴婦的生活, 去Shopping! 其實這幾天我們都超忙的, Amanda忙著玩網上遊戲(其實該早工作), 我忙著改照片(其實該做Thesis), 不過今天我們還是出去走走. 一個月不在好多新的餐廳開幕, 連SF Shopping Center旁邊的Westfield開幕嘍, 有五層樓, 好興奮喔~!!!

2200 Lombard Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Corner of Steiner
Amici's East Coast Pizzeria >

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


ㄟ... 我想大家都在等我寫續集, 哈~ 但是這幾天我都在整理照片, 我們每天都照一二百張, 想想四十天有幾張. 我也頭昏腦脹了, 哈哈哈... 不過我會盡快寫啦~! 現在我已經有歐洲人的態度, 那就是慢慢來, 不要急, 先喝杯紅酒再慢慢聊.... 哈哈啊哈哈哈..........

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Honda Civic Si

前天晚上從機場回到家, 一開門已經有人搬到我們家來了, 還粉悠閒的躺在我的大床上看連續劇, 哈哈哈...... 對啦, 就素威爺的小表妹Amanda, 她剛畢業最近在找工作, 所以我們要去歐洲前就已經答應讓她在我們家住幾天, 看舊金山這邊有沒有工作機會. 這幾天威爺跟我有嚴重的時差, 整天懶懶的, 都在奇怪的時間想睡覺...... Amanda想買車, 我們這二天也帶她到處去看車, 今天她就看中了Honda Civic Si, 真的還滿好看的, 很適合年輕的她. 威爺還幫還不會開手排但想開手排車的Amanda試車, 連威爺都覺得不錯, 只是有點小貴, 讓Amanda還在掙扎中......

最近很多人想看我們去歐洲的照片, 但真的太多了, 還沒有時間Go Over, 也不知道要怎樣把它很快的Load上網, 不過威爺那有二張, 想看的人趕快去他那邊瞧瞧嘍~!!! 歐洲的布拉格正在架設中......

Honda Civic Si >

Friday, October 20, 2006


自己都不敢相信的完成歐洲40天的旅程, 並在法國巴黎劃下完美的句點, 感覺好像才剛去. 前二個禮拜會想家, 但是最後去了法國巴黎, 超不想回來的, 超好玩的! 因為威爺跟我的背包, 我們都需要背著走, 都不敢買東西, 聽不完的故事,也將要有看不完的照片. 只能說歐洲真的太美了... 還遇到成龍在巴黎鐵塔拍Rush Hour 3! 照片是我們帶給大家的最好的禮物嘍, 請期待...... 想死你們想死我的Blog了!!! 但是我要休息一個月先......哈哈哈......

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Here I am again! Today is "Pieta de Sain Maria" holiday, people dont need to go to work today. It is raining these days... Actually, we should leave Spain to France, but the train time is hard to match our plan. We might stay one more day and leave tomorrow early morning. Thanks for Peblo and Pietra, they are so nice to let us stay at their flat. We really have great time at Barcelona. Will and I went to see Museo del Piccaso today, so many of Piccaso´s art works, and I understand more about his life. Piccaso was borned in Spain and he started to be famous in France. I love some of his early works. Its amazing. Well, today I found a very great dessert store which is called "Bubo", everything is so designed and looks nice there. I love it so much! I will show you guys photos later...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ohla from Barcelona, Spain!!!

Ohla, guys, we are in Barcelona, Spain, at this time! After Florence, we went to the most beautiful city in Italy, which is Venice!!! It is really beautiful. There is no car at all, the transportation is only by the boat. Bus is the boat, taxi is the boat, police car is the boat, even the emergency is the speed boat, its very funny. It is very romantic in Venice.

After Venice, we took the train to Milan, it is an amazing city with fashion. So many brands stores with huge buildings, and it´s all designed. We went to Amani, it is three floors building, and I just found out Amani has flower shop, chocolate, perfume, clothes, jeans......

Finally, we finished our Italy trip, and flied to Madrid, Spain. Spain is so clean and much better than Italy. People are nice, too. I kind of love Spain. I saw huge hams everywhere, ha! We also went to see the Flamingo dance.

Now we are in Barcelona, Spain, we live at friends´ apt. Barcelona has Piccaso, Dali, and Miro´s original artworks. Also the famous architect Gulldy. We spent so much time to look for comtemporaty art now. Its funny it seems we start our trip with the art history order, from the acient art at Greece, Renicence in Rome, and now is contemporary.

Tomorrow we will start our trip to France, and 9 more days to go, we will be home! Miss you all!!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Bonjourno, guys, finally, Will and I left Rome to Florence today, and we went to Uffize Museum. So many art peices I saw in my art history book, and now its all real! I cannot even believe it. Roma is amazing, too, especially, Vatican!!! We also went to Coloseo, Roma Foro, Spanish Steps, and Fontana di Fevi... Anyways, people drive crazy in Italy, and the whole city is kind of old. The whole Roma is like a huge opening museum. I am very excitied everyday, but I am very very tired to walk over 8 hours everyday. It is fun! We will walk around Florence, and go to Venice the day after tomorrow. I have more ice cream today, everywhere sells ice cream at Florence.......