Saturday, April 30, 2005
蒙恩使女 MV Shooting 第一部
昨天在一個沒有聚會的星期五晚上, 強哥, Tony, Will 和我一起去 Cheesecake Factory 吃晚餐, 強哥還請我們看電影 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". 一部很難懂也很難笑的電影, 真希望我能懂所謂美國俗語. 所以嘍, 我們一直到晚上一兩點才到家. 結果沒想到... 本來要和 Maggie 一起做風箏一起去放的星期六, 我竟忘了和堯堯約定要幫蒙恩使女拍照. 一早八點堯堯打電話來, 我和 Will 起不來, 其實我們該七點到 Lyon St and Broadway St. Will 和我到的時候愣住了, 這次他們真的是大手筆喔! 因為有四位美女在很大的化妝 Bus 上向我們招手, 也有一群來自舊金山最棒的藝術學院學生來幫忙, 連場記的都有哩. 我想這次是玩真的了~ 我們拍了超多的照片, 卻也等了很久, 因為 the stylist 一直沒到, 所有衣服和造型都在她那裡. 我們一直到中午才正式來過, 錄了幾個 takes. 時間飛逝, 我們要到第二個點 Pier 7 時, 已經 4:30PM. 所以我和 Will 就走了. 沒想到他們沒有拍的二個場景~ 因為~~~ 剛把機器架好就被趕走, 他們說沒有申請也可以偷拍~但今天比較衰! 我和 Will 一回到家就趕場, Dean 終於回來灣區, 而且還帶了一為美驕娘喔. 晚上是他的喜宴. 在 San Bruno 一間叫鴻麟的餐廳. 等回到家真的是像 Sophie 說的雙腳好像不是自己的, 累到很想撞牆! hehehe.... 我今天 shoot 了一千多張照片吧, 敬請期待嘍~~~
Friday, April 29, 2005
小鴨 膽怯地說:
小鴨 膽怯地說:
Thursday, April 28, 2005
千萬份感謝給我最親愛的妹妹, Sydney
當我收到 Sydney 寄的生日卡時, 煞那間覺得好想念家裡每一個人. 我很感謝主雖然離開家很有五六年了, 還是會特別特別想家, 並且讓我們弟兄姊妹都長大時, 我們的關係還是這麼這麼的緊. 尤其神的愛就一直緊緊托住我們. 真的覺的要好好珍惜. 當我昨天聽到一個見證眼淚就不由自主嘩啦嘩啦的流個不停. 想到自己婚禮的腳步漸漸近了, 也就不可能再搬回家住. 回頭看才感覺到和爸爸媽媽用心的為我們家裡每一個小孩所花的心思, 真的很不容易. 那長闊高深的愛, 唯有在基督裡真是不容易在找到了. 我相信我會一直辛福下去, 因為神讓威廉細心體貼的照顧我. 我已覺得足夠了. 但我知神還會祝福更多更多. 有神真好!
價格別人決定, 價值自己創造
他認為,價格是別人給的,隨時可以拿走;價值卻是自己創造的,任誰也無法帶走。 他一直在用實際的行動創造自己的價值,雖然公司只能付出部份的價格來僱用他,不過這已是能給的最高限度;但他所帶給公司的價值,絕對是金錢無法衡量的。
他認為,價格是別人給的,隨時可以拿走;價值卻是自己創造的,任誰也無法帶走。 他一直在用實際的行動創造自己的價值,雖然公司只能付出部份的價格來僱用他,不過這已是能給的最高限度;但他所帶給公司的價值,絕對是金錢無法衡量的。
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
"The Purpose Driven Life"
A few days ago, I started my journey with purpose...hehehe...that means I commited the next 40 days of my life to discovering God's purpose for my life. Yes, I am talking about this book "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. Since these days I keep thinking about my thesis project, and I think this book will help a lot. It all starts with God...everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him, it is not about me. God doesnt play dice, and we are not just an accident. How could I do something for him and help this society? Pray for me, brothers and sisters.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
The Days of Noah
Time: 3pm, Sunday, May 1st, 2005
Location: River of Life Christian Church
1177 Laurelwood Road, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: 408-260-0257 x100
Fee: $12
Time: 3pm, Sunday, May 1st, 2005
Location: River of Life Christian Church
1177 Laurelwood Road, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: 408-260-0257 x100
Fee: $12
Thanks, Justiny!
Today I got a birthday gift from Justiny after I met with Phil. She is doing the thesis about healthy foods with lifestyle, and I am so excitied to see two bottle of organic olive oil and vinegar. I guess I should try to eat healthier. Thanks, Justiny!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
So many cakes these weeks~ Yami...
Until today we had 6 cakes these weekends...muhahaha...yami...
短短兩個禮拜吃了六個蛋糕, 肥夠了, 哈哈! Will 的生日是 April 26 也就是下禮拜二. 這幾個禮拜我們才知道我們生活周遭有這麼多的弟兄姊妹和朋友對我們的愛, 真的很感謝主! 其實每年我們都在想生日要怎麼過, 卻在今年沒特別安排, 神就親自差派天使來為我們祝福. 昨天威廉的媽媽和弟弟特地買了芋頭紅豆蛋糕和好吃的大滷麵, 晚上 Andrew 和 Majorie 的 House Warming Party 他們又特地準備了綠茶蛋糕~ 我好像比威廉還要高興, 因為好多好多的蛋糕吃 hehehe... 他也阻止不了我啦~
短短兩個禮拜吃了六個蛋糕, 肥夠了, 哈哈! Will 的生日是 April 26 也就是下禮拜二. 這幾個禮拜我們才知道我們生活周遭有這麼多的弟兄姊妹和朋友對我們的愛, 真的很感謝主! 其實每年我們都在想生日要怎麼過, 卻在今年沒特別安排, 神就親自差派天使來為我們祝福. 昨天威廉的媽媽和弟弟特地買了芋頭紅豆蛋糕和好吃的大滷麵, 晚上 Andrew 和 Majorie 的 House Warming Party 他們又特地準備了綠茶蛋糕~ 我好像比威廉還要高興, 因為好多好多的蛋糕吃 hehehe... 他也阻止不了我啦~
最近神一直給我一句話, 那就是“靠著那加給我力量的凡事都能!”. 我想神要加添我每天的力量, 因為最近我感覺對學校和教會有很多的負擔, 而且身心疲累. 但我一直找充電的方法, 唯一的方法就是神的話. 我已經花了四五天整天的時間做我的喜帖, 每次我在做的時候我會聽 Good TV 的觸動心懸, 這時就有很多的感觸, 有走過外遇風暴, 有從吸毒走出來的, 有從死裡得醫治, 從創傷裡得釋放, 也有神如何使用低能的孩子, 使聾啞的能聽見... 這些讓我想到我的生命. 神要我做的是甚麼, 我生命的目的是甚麼? Graphic Design 能為神做甚麼? 除了能讓人認識神, 又要如何能幫助到需要幫助的人. 或許蒙恩使女是一個出發點, 它讓我覺得對神的國有份. 但也希望神能讓我做更大的事. 我漸漸知道神讓一個人的生活真的可以有深度, 而且是很深很深無法測量的深度, 那就是祂所創造的奧秘.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
A Soulful Relationship
A Soulful Relationship
by Reverend Ronald McFadden
If you're not married yet, share this with a friend. If you are married, share it with your spouse or other married couples.. and reflect on it.
An African proverb states, "Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye." Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don't let lust, desperation, immaturity, ignorance, pressure from others or a low self-esteem make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don't fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults aren't really important. Once you decide to commit to someone, over time their flaws, vulnerabilities, pet peeves, and differences will become more obvious. If you love your mate and want the relationship to grow and evolve, you've got to learn to close one eye and not let every little thing bother you.
You and your mate have many different expectations, emotional needs, values, dreams, weaknesses, and strengths. You are two unique individuals who have decided to share a life together. Neither of you are perfect, but are you perfect for each other? Do you bring out the best of each other? Do you compliment and compromise with each other, or do you compete, compare, and control? What do you bring to the relationship? Do you bring past relationships, past hurt, past mistrust, past pain?You can't take someone to the altar to alter him or her. You can't make someone love you or make someone stay. If you develop self-esteem, spiritual discernment, and "a life", you won't find yourself making someone else responsible for your happiness or responsible for your pain. Manipulation, control, jealousy, neediness, and selfishness are not the ingredients of a thriving, healthy, loving and lasting relationship.
Seeking status, sex, wealth, and security are the wrong reasons to be in a relationship. What keeps a relationship strong? Communication, intimacy, trust, a sense of humor, sharing household tasks, some getaway time without business or children and daily exchanges (a meal, shared activity, a hug, a call, a touch, a note). Leave a nice message on their voicemail or send a nice email. Sharing common goals and interests. Growth is important. Grow together, not away from each other, giving each other space to grow without feeling insecure. Allow your mate to have outside interest. You can't always be together. Give each other a sense of belonging and assurances of commitment. Don't try to control one another. Learn each other's family situation. Respect his or her parents regardless.Don't put pressure on each other for material goods.
Remember for richer or for poorer. If these qualities are missing, the relationship will erode as resentment, withdrawal, abuse, neglect, dishonesty, and pain replace the passion. "Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." The grass withers, the flowers fades, but the word of God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8
Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight. Always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary.
The difference between 'United' and 'Untied' is where you put the i.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
by Reverend Ronald McFadden
If you're not married yet, share this with a friend. If you are married, share it with your spouse or other married couples.. and reflect on it.
An African proverb states, "Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye." Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don't let lust, desperation, immaturity, ignorance, pressure from others or a low self-esteem make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don't fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults aren't really important. Once you decide to commit to someone, over time their flaws, vulnerabilities, pet peeves, and differences will become more obvious. If you love your mate and want the relationship to grow and evolve, you've got to learn to close one eye and not let every little thing bother you.
You and your mate have many different expectations, emotional needs, values, dreams, weaknesses, and strengths. You are two unique individuals who have decided to share a life together. Neither of you are perfect, but are you perfect for each other? Do you bring out the best of each other? Do you compliment and compromise with each other, or do you compete, compare, and control? What do you bring to the relationship? Do you bring past relationships, past hurt, past mistrust, past pain?You can't take someone to the altar to alter him or her. You can't make someone love you or make someone stay. If you develop self-esteem, spiritual discernment, and "a life", you won't find yourself making someone else responsible for your happiness or responsible for your pain. Manipulation, control, jealousy, neediness, and selfishness are not the ingredients of a thriving, healthy, loving and lasting relationship.
Seeking status, sex, wealth, and security are the wrong reasons to be in a relationship. What keeps a relationship strong? Communication, intimacy, trust, a sense of humor, sharing household tasks, some getaway time without business or children and daily exchanges (a meal, shared activity, a hug, a call, a touch, a note). Leave a nice message on their voicemail or send a nice email. Sharing common goals and interests. Growth is important. Grow together, not away from each other, giving each other space to grow without feeling insecure. Allow your mate to have outside interest. You can't always be together. Give each other a sense of belonging and assurances of commitment. Don't try to control one another. Learn each other's family situation. Respect his or her parents regardless.Don't put pressure on each other for material goods.
Remember for richer or for poorer. If these qualities are missing, the relationship will erode as resentment, withdrawal, abuse, neglect, dishonesty, and pain replace the passion. "Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." The grass withers, the flowers fades, but the word of God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8
Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight. Always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary.
The difference between 'United' and 'Untied' is where you put the i.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
I Love Babies!
My sister, Sydney, who is participating in this event called March of Dimes Walk America. It is to raise money for researches done specifically for PREMATURE BABIES. Since it is for a good cause and she needs people to sponsor her to walk 6 miles, I need YOUR HELP!! =)
Every child deserves a healthy start to life; premature babies need your help now! Her goal is to raise $350 before the walk takes place on April 30, 2005. If you would like to sponsor her, please visit her web page on Walk America:
Any amount would be greatly appreciated. =)
Be a cheerful giver~
May God bless your giving hands =)
Every child deserves a healthy start to life; premature babies need your help now! Her goal is to raise $350 before the walk takes place on April 30, 2005. If you would like to sponsor her, please visit her web page on Walk America:
Any amount would be greatly appreciated. =)
Be a cheerful giver~
May God bless your giving hands =)
祝 Lillian 生日快樂! 二歲嘍~
This year I have an over flow blessing birthday from God! Lillian is my best friend since we studied at AAU for Computer Art, and she was the one always hang out with me everywhere...hehehe... We used to walk around San Francisco and have fun together, but she has moved back to Taiwan for good now. Today I got a package from her, and I am so touching. It is the Birthday gift from her! I really miss her. Today is her two years old birthday, and might God's everlasting love bring her Adam to her as soon as possible...hehe...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
今天一大早就聽到大好消息 "天恆考上國立台北藝術大學啦~~~!!!", 戲劇科中400個取30位, 其中15個男生, 天恆就是其中之一, 光榮入取~ 他說要考很多而且很難, 要表演, 要寫劇本, 還要跳一段舞, 總之很不容易喔! 他的夢想成真, 榮耀歸給神, 希望有一天他能成為戲劇牧師! 天恆加油才不會饋對所有鄉親父老啊~ 我們會繼續為你禱告, 加油!!!
Monday, April 18, 2005
史坦福大學的一項研究顯示,幽默可以啟動腦部組織功能,它讓人開懷而笑,有益人體健康。它對我們的身心有顯著影響它是人與人之間的潤滑劑,有助建立友誼, 也是一劑緩解壓力的良方。大部分人被幽默感所吸引,而受人歡迎,這是幽默感的回報之一。
在這種社交功能外,史坦福大學的研究小組則集中在腦部對幽默感的反應。研究者 發現,當人看滑稽的漫畫或笑話而發笑時,閱讀者大腦中參陽性強化作用的區域, 會受到刺激。事實上,幽默感所刺激的部位,與安非他命或嗎啡所刺激的是同樣區域。喪失欣賞幽默的能力,正是憂鬱症的症狀之一。
這項研究也可解釋,為什麼一些缺乏幽默感的人,在人際關係上出現嚴重的問題。 缺乏幽默感的人或許他的腦部真是少了一根幽默筋。這項研究還發現,甚至一些睡眠失橫的問題,也與缺乏幽默感有關。
在這種社交功能外,史坦福大學的研究小組則集中在腦部對幽默感的反應。研究者 發現,當人看滑稽的漫畫或笑話而發笑時,閱讀者大腦中參陽性強化作用的區域, 會受到刺激。事實上,幽默感所刺激的部位,與安非他命或嗎啡所刺激的是同樣區域。喪失欣賞幽默的能力,正是憂鬱症的症狀之一。
這項研究也可解釋,為什麼一些缺乏幽默感的人,在人際關係上出現嚴重的問題。 缺乏幽默感的人或許他的腦部真是少了一根幽默筋。這項研究還發現,甚至一些睡眠失橫的問題,也與缺乏幽默感有關。
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Birthday Dinner!
Tonight Julia and Do Young planed a surprise birthday party for me, although I found out the dinner already...muhahaha... We had Korean BBQ at Seoul Garden (Japan Center), and drink at Bambuddha Lounge after. I am so happy to have all design friends gether together for me, especially, those friends gave me the gifts and huge flowers. Thanks so much, and I love you all!!! I am so happy for real! Here are more photos, check it out~
Janice's Photos
Julia's Photos
Janice's Photos
Julia's Photos
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Thanks my dear brothers and sisters!
昨天晚上我們查經說到主權及救恩的關係, 預知, 預定... 有很多隱藏的事是我們不明白的, 但是只要我們的信心越大完全交託, 將主權交給神, 祂比給我們最大的救恩. May 第一次參加我們的團契, 願神繼續帶領她. 也感謝所有弟兄姊妹為我過生日, 雖然我才十七歲......謝啦!
Friday, April 15, 2005
A San Bruno Fine Art Graphic Educator
Today I met Allan Manzano who is a Fine Art Graphic Educator from San Bruno, and it is so honer to visit his house. He has such great works. Since he has the fine art background, that is so interesting how he does his artwork with the graphic sketches. All his art works are on the hallway and around the house. I believe he will be famous one day...hahaha... Actually, Allan is my graphic design graduate classmate, and both of us are having Jennifer Sterling as our thesis one on one advisor right now. We try to talk about our thesis projects together, but today I brought my wedding invitation design instead. Thanks for Phillippine Lunch today, Allan, it is souty and super delicious. UBE ice cream...yami...hehehe... I got a lot inspirations from.......the.......ICE CREAM....... =P
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Yeah!!! I got the Orphans!!!
Today I had lunch with Will, Woei, and Jeremy. Since we graduated, Woei and Jeremy became co-workers at Orphan, finally, we had a great lunch at Pasta Pomodoro today. The most exciting thing is I GOT THE ORPHAN HATS...MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! THANKS WOEI!!! Check out my new style!
ps. Also thanks for my dearest husband who paid for the lunch for that hats, too! \(^0^)/
ps. Also thanks for my dearest husband who paid for the lunch for that hats, too! \(^0^)/
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Production Check Points from Jennifer
Before Printing
1. Blue Lines --- to proof all contents
2. Color Keys --- to proof stripping + printing
3. Draw Downs --- to proof colors
On Press
1. Check Stock and the Rule Lines
2. Reproof Job
3. Proof for Type Breaks
4. Run Job in Heavy Ink Coverage until Type began to Spread
5. Equality
6. Check for Dirt on Printed Sheets
1. Blue Lines --- to proof all contents
2. Color Keys --- to proof stripping + printing
3. Draw Downs --- to proof colors
On Press
1. Check Stock and the Rule Lines
2. Reproof Job
3. Proof for Type Breaks
4. Run Job in Heavy Ink Coverage until Type began to Spread
5. Equality
6. Check for Dirt on Printed Sheets
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
The Universe Within
今天天氣很好, 好到和小常都不想做 school works 而跑去看人體展"The Universe Within", 用人的屍體做雕塑的展覽, 當然不能錯過. 以前都是看圖片, 現在能看到真實的人體塑化的全屍, 沒有展示櫃,讓人可以很近看清楚人體的肌理和骨架, 而且還很完整, 感覺真的很不一樣, 算是很難得的經驗. 我邊看邊想像,如果是我,我願意被展示哪一部份?神經系統?全身的血管網絡?還是肌肉?子宮?骨骼?老實說, 我對於去看沒生命的身體這檔事, 真的很害怕. 本來以為人體展是很恐怖的東西, 實際看過之後才知道其實人體是非常奧妙, 看完這個展覽雖然沒有想像中多, 但對於能把大體作如此展現的人感到欽佩, 也對每一個大體表示尊敬. 雖然我在看展覽時, 口無遮攔的評頭論足, 但我是沒有惡意的啦~ hehe... (自圓其說) 也奉勸各位先生小姐有吸煙者的,不妨看一下,您的肺在N年後也是呈現黑色,不妨考慮將它戒掉吧!總之, 很特別的一次經驗, 大家有空不妨去看看吧~
我和小常看完展覽後便到 Polk Street 上一家咖啡店坐坐, 聊了一下. 有一家茶店很特別, 叫"Teavana". 有各式各樣的茶, 特別的是小常買的 "To Life", 味道很香, 有空一起去她那飲茶吧. ㄏㄏ 我先幫她邀你們了~
我和小常看完展覽後便到 Polk Street 上一家咖啡店坐坐, 聊了一下. 有一家茶店很特別, 叫"Teavana". 有各式各樣的茶, 特別的是小常買的 "To Life", 味道很香, 有空一起去她那飲茶吧. ㄏㄏ 我先幫她邀你們了~
Monday, April 11, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Looking for a New Church Location
今天堯堯和麗琴都沒辦法服事, 我只好臨時上陣. Amy 在 LA 教會有四個朋友剛好來, 也認識了常常聽 Amy 聊到的 Stella. 教會完我們一起去看了教會的幾個新地點, 第一個地點不是那麼好但 building 還不錯, 第二個地點還不錯卻是一棟很舊的 building. 希望繼續為我們建堂的地方禱告, 神為我們所預備的一定超乎我們所求所想!
哈哈哈~ 一個買紅豆餅的笑話!
念五專時門口有一攤紅豆餅很好吃, 每次經過都會看到大排長龍, 有個小我兩屆的學妹, 奉社團裡學長姐之命前去購買, 總共要買9個奶油口味跟10個芋頭口味, 她為了怕忘記一路走一路念"9個奶油, 10個芋頭...9個奶油10個芋頭..." 終於走到了攤子, 排到了隊, 老闆問 "同學你要什麼", 學妹說 "老闆, 我要9個奶頭口味......"(旁邊都是人)後來她就烙跑, 沒人吃到紅豆餅.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
最近這幾天可把我忙壞了, 除了學校的壓力, 還有教會事工的壓力, 在加上人生大事結婚的準備, 我只能將所有重擔完完全全交託給主. 我相信他所給我的一定是我可以承受的. 昨天在找恩惠事奉團契演唱 "在你愛裡" 這首歌的歌詞時, 不經意的找到 Good TV 裡觸動真愛第28集"主的愛無所不在"---劉耕宏專訪. 聽到他生命的改變和成長, 覺得自己真的很幸福. 更提醒我要持續地裝備自己. 想到教會在找建堂的地方, 需要主日學和服事的同工, 及許多的需要都希望能帶入擣告中.
我連續好幾天拼命想把喜帖趕快完成希望這個月底能寄出去, 剛才去利口福吃了飲茶, 吃飽了該是好好繼續工作的時候啦~
我連續好幾天拼命想把喜帖趕快完成希望這個月底能寄出去, 剛才去利口福吃了飲茶, 吃飽了該是好好繼續工作的時候啦~
恭喜Grace已經擁有的小生命隨著上帝的祝福即將誕生~ 更加高興的是Nelson的牙醫醫院要在Bellevue, WA開幕了. 我便想到Will的project which is a dental office at Livermore, check it out, very cool!
Friday, April 08, 2005
Guess who is here in the early morning?
Birdlady is going to a weekend retreat, so I am going to take care of her birdbaby. Since I just woke up and the bird is here, I took couple of his portraits...hehe...
Birdlady is going to a weekend retreat, so I am going to take care of her birdbaby. Since I just woke up and the bird is here, I took couple of his portraits...hehe...
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Jennifer Sterling
Yesterday I met Jennifer Sterling as one on one director study, and we had a very nice conversation.
Jennifer got her degree as Graphic Design. BA, The Art Institute of Florida. With an intellectual approach to graphic design, Jennifer Sterling's technique and methodology are fast becoming legend. Her much anticipated first book explores the delicate balance of sensual organic forms, tactile materials, classical typefaces, and the subtle yet dazzling techniques that mark her approach to design. Early concept explorations are juxtaposed against the final product, illuminating the creative process. Many of the works featured have won national and international awards, and have been accepted into the permanent collections of the Smithsonian, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, the SF MoMA, the Library of Congress and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. The SF MoMA is hosting an exhibit of her work in Spring 2001. Jennifer Sterling is principal, a 16-person studio and founding partner of Sterling Design in San Francisco, a firm listed in the 1998 Graphis Design annual as one of the top 12 in the world. Recent Projects include branding for a coalition under the direction of Hillary Clinton and Madelaine Albright and the front cover design of One magazine. Jennifer's work regularly appears in Communication Arts, ID Design Review, American Center for Design, Type Directors Club, Graphis, the AIGA and other award publications.
Jennifer got her degree as Graphic Design. BA, The Art Institute of Florida. With an intellectual approach to graphic design, Jennifer Sterling's technique and methodology are fast becoming legend. Her much anticipated first book explores the delicate balance of sensual organic forms, tactile materials, classical typefaces, and the subtle yet dazzling techniques that mark her approach to design. Early concept explorations are juxtaposed against the final product, illuminating the creative process. Many of the works featured have won national and international awards, and have been accepted into the permanent collections of the Smithsonian, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, the SF MoMA, the Library of Congress and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. The SF MoMA is hosting an exhibit of her work in Spring 2001. Jennifer Sterling is principal, a 16-person studio and founding partner of Sterling Design in San Francisco, a firm listed in the 1998 Graphis Design annual as one of the top 12 in the world. Recent Projects include branding for a coalition under the direction of Hillary Clinton and Madelaine Albright and the front cover design of One magazine. Jennifer's work regularly appears in Communication Arts, ID Design Review, American Center for Design, Type Directors Club, Graphis, the AIGA and other award publications.
Cheesecake Factory Night
Tonight Do Young, Yi Chen, Caccini, Julia, Will, and I had great huge dinner at Cheesecake Factory. It is nice to hang out together again. Godiva Chocolate Chesscake and Taramisu Chesscake....yami.........
Monday, April 04, 2005
Congratulations to the newlyweds, Dalia & her husband~
Delia is my junior high classmate in Taiwan, and she just got married. I also saw my other friends in the photos, I miss them so much! Where there is love, there is the beauty of God. Best wishes on Delia's marriage~
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Belythe-Silver Snow
I am looking for the Belyte-Silver Snow 12" Doll, it has the large eyes that changed from green to pink to blue to orange with the pull of the drawstring at the back of Blythe's head. If you know where could I get good deal, please let me know. Thanks!
The Great Bridal Expo
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. --- Psalm 139:14
Will and I went to the Great Bridal Expo at Design Center after the church today, and there has some interesting stuffs. I saw the bridal gown fashion show, wedding flowers, wedding photographer, wedding gowns, wedding favors, especially, I love the huge chocolate fountain...hehehe...
After the bridal expo, I went to the birdlady's house, because she wants to remodel her house. Of course, Will got another side job from her, and hope God will give him more strength. It is raining very hard outside, and I suddenly saw a huge rainbow outside of my window.
Will and I went to the Great Bridal Expo at Design Center after the church today, and there has some interesting stuffs. I saw the bridal gown fashion show, wedding flowers, wedding photographer, wedding gowns, wedding favors, especially, I love the huge chocolate fountain...hehehe...
After the bridal expo, I went to the birdlady's house, because she wants to remodel her house. Of course, Will got another side job from her, and hope God will give him more strength. It is raining very hard outside, and I suddenly saw a huge rainbow outside of my window.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Belgian Style Frjtz Fries!!!
Today Will and I woke up pretty early, and we walked around Hayes Valley. It is a nice day, and we had our lunch at belgian fries, crepes and dj art teahouse which is called "Frjtz"~ Of course we ordered the most famous huge "Belgian style frjtz fries" with creamy wasabi mayo and curry ketchup dips. Also their sandwiches are backed by thick toast, and we had Michelangelo: Roasted peppers,red onions pesto mayo, grilled eggplant and melted gorgonzola on focaccia. Served with Spring mix. With Italian Resbarry Soda...this is a great moment in my life...yami......hehehe... After the lunch, we drove to 4th Street at Berkeley, where is the place to be in Berkeley for fancy restaurants, specialty design stores, classy furniture, garden supplies, and arts and crafts. Will and I enjoy the rest of the sunny afternoon!
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