Saturday, July 02, 2005

07/02/05 進入神恢復的季節

一大早我和威爺就準備參加 9 點的聚會, 昨天晚上團契他們就已回舊金山, 所以只有威爺和我. 下午我們也分別去姊妹會和弟兄會, 我還認識一個叫 Gracie 的女孩子, 因為我們倆都是自己一個人來姊妹會, 沒想到她也是做 Graphic Design 的, 而且我也跟她做了一個見證, 因為她先生還沒信主, 她和我的經歷很像, 希望對她有所幫助. 姊妹會我們是坐 Bus 到一間叫翠苑的餐廳吃辦桌耶, 還有很多抽獎的獎品, 有一整套的錄音帶和書, 手錶和珍珠項鍊...我卻沒被抽中, 真氣人. 其實一整天的聚會挺累的, 有幾次專題我和威爺猛點頭, 哈哈... 因為打磕睡... 又是下午又剛吃飽飯吧. 晚上和 Andy, Cindy, 文玫姊和雅雅去 "食為天" 吃牛肉麵. 晚上是台灣台北靈糧堂周神助牧師說合一的訊息. 真的覺得合一真的很重要, 要恢復與神關係的恢復: 1. 透過個人悔改 2. 透過家庭復合 3. 透過教會的合一 4. 透過國度的合一. 我們要和所有教會有合一的靈, 因為我們都是屬神的百姓. 所以我們也為所有特會禱告, 我們家就都去了愛修葡萄園在Costa Mesa的特會, 也剛好是同一個weekend. 沒想道我們幫其它特會禱告, 我倆個妹妹和弟弟都在這個時刻在愛修葡萄園特會大大被神的靈充滿, 他們都不停的說方言, 躺在地上領受聖靈. 神真的是聽禱告的神. 最後劉彭牧師還是帶來了高潮的敬拜加帶動唱. 真的是裡外得到釋放.
Thank you Lord!
Dear all my family & friends,

Today is a very special day to me *July 3rd, 2005, because I got the anointing (*Def of Anointing: To put oil on during a religious ceremony as a sign of sanctification or consecration. ) from God & my whole body, my soul, and my heart got touched by the Holy Spirit! It was Great & So Powerful!!! I know God want me to serve Him & He want to uses me to do God's works to all nations & all over the world! I got a special blessed which is to speak in tongue~ I fall down on the ground when Pastor Randy pray for everybody and touched my head and said.. FIRE! and I suddently just fall down and felt a strong miracle feeling that my whole body started to shaking & my hands are waving & for few mins, my tongue just started to move super naturally that I can't control it that it just speak out the words of God's word that I don't even know what I was saying but everything inside my mind was Prise the Lord & I win this battle from the demens & Glorify Your Name Lord! God you are so Wonderful & You are so Beautiful! I have to serve you with all my soul, all my mind, with all my heart! I can't do anything without you Lord! but I know there is nothing Impossible with God!!! I love you God! Jesus thank you so much!!! Thank you so much.... ~ Tonight is so special and I really want all my family & friends got the same blessing & the passion to God & Share God's love with all of the peoople around us! Jesus Loves you so Much!~ We are all belong to GOD!!! All you have to do is to Believe & Receive it!
--- Ruth

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