Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Dream Jeans Transformation – Detox 排毒!


我參加的Bootcamp每個月都會有活動, 這個月是"The Dream Jeans Transformation"!

四月底就開始開放Sign Up這個Contest, 只不過參加的人都要繳$37, 就算你已經是Camp的Member也是一樣, 我想了很久, 想說現在已經減很多了, 怎麼樣應該也拿不到第一名, 參加了只是浪費那$37, 所以我這沒有參加這次的Contest!

星期五的第一天, Alejandra幫每個Sign Up Contest的人量體脂肪 + 體重, 再來就是五月的最後一天來看結果嘍!!!

這次的比賽還有一份整個月每一天的Nutrition Meal Plan, 一天六餐全部幫你安排好應該吃什麼, 還有Food Journal記錄下每天吃的東西, 這個Meal Plan的前二天是排毒Detox!

我就想先來試試看前二天的Detox好了, 所以第一天整天我都猛喝Limes + Water!


早上除了水, 早晚還各需要喝一杯16 oz.的Green Smoothie!

--- Green Smoothie Recipe ---
1 handful of spinach
1 handful of kale
1/2 c cilantro (w/ stems is fine)
1 pear
3 stalks of celery
1/2 cucumber (no need to peel)
2 cups of filtered water
Blend in blender until smooth, these amounts will yield 16oz.
* You can substitute the pear with apple or strawberries.


中午則是蔬菜湯, 最好不吃蔬菜只喝湯!


--- Vegetable Broth Recipe ---
2 cups spinach
2 cups broccoli heads
3 cups celery
2 cups red-skinned potato peels, 1/2 inch thick
1 small zucchini
2 quarts filtered water

Chop all vegetables into very fine pieces. Place in water and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Strain the broth. Makes about 8 servings.

The vegetable broth is important because its ingredients are specifically selected to help flush toxins from your system. Buying a vegetable broth in a can will not be a suitable substitute.


傍晚還可以吃5片Crackers + Guacamole, Peiwen介紹了Wholly Guacamole, 超好吃滴, 害我都不止吃5片Crackers而已啦! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈......

晚餐過後最後可以吃12顆Raw Almonds!


Meal 01: 8oz. Water + Lime Juice from 1 Lime.
Meal 02: Piece of Fruit.
Meal 03: Vegetable Broth.
Meal 04: 5 Gluten-free Rice Crackers, Unsalted, with Guacamole.
Meal 05: 16oz. Green Smoothie.
Meal 06: 12 Raw Almonds.

You can add vitamin supplements to your detox diet menu. Take at least 75 mg of vitamin C, which helps the body produce a liver compound called glutathione, witch protects against toxins. Take 200 IU of vitamin E, which will protect against the free radicals your body will produce as it detoxes.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Trying to figure out what Spanish is, did you mean spinach?

IceCreampuff said...

Anonymous @ ooppesssss..... I guess its Spinach! hahaha......