Tuesday, September 18, 2007

抖~~~ 冷~~~ 熱~~~

昨天清晨1:29AM, 突然全身顫抖, 覺得好冷好冷, 窗戶才開一個小空隙, 三個人在一個房間裡, 應該不至於這麼冷吧. 我卻冷得牙齒咯咯的響, 全身縮成一團, 口乾到不行. 本來想說威爺隔天要上班不要吵到他, 最後真的忍不住了, 趕快叫他醒來幫我拿衣服穿, 我穿了件Sweashirt, 腳上也穿了毛毛襪, 連威爺抱著我, 我還不停的發抖.

突然發現我的胸部已經腫脹的跟石頭一樣的硬又痛, 超不想起床的, 就這樣顫抖的走到了廁所, 頭也好昏好昏, 就這樣盡量的把ㄋㄟㄋㄟ擠出來. 趕快去拿了感冒藥吃, 就趕快跑上床睡覺. 整個晚上小若雅哭, 都只好把威爺叫醒餵她喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 可累著了他.

也不知道睡到什麼時候, 突然變得好熱好熱, 整個人都是汗. 就這樣一直持續的發燒. 隔天早上覺得威爺應該很累, 就想讓他請一天假, 威爺就到下午才去上班. 我也燒了一天, 睡了一天.

小若雅就讓她外婆我馬麻照顧了一天, 晚上小床也移到我馬麻房間, 聽我馬麻說不是小若雅吵到我拔拔, 而是我拔拔超大的呼聲吵到小若雅, 哈哈哈哈阿哈哈......... 還好小若雅昨天還滿乖的, 這幾天可都要麻煩外婆了.

不知道是不是乳腺炎, 因為左邊胸部好痛, 有些硬塊, 怎麼把ㄋㄟㄋㄟ擠出來都沒有用, 我用熱水猛沖, 想軟化硬塊, 是有一點點, 但是也沒有多大的用處. 我吃了些消炎藥, 果真就不發燒了. 不過這幾天, 胸部真的好痛喔, 而且漲得跟石頭一樣, 我想我應該趕快去看醫生吧~!

乳腺炎 >


Tina / 小盧鄧子的媽 said...

真慘啊~ 對不起, 我還沒有經驗也不知道能幫妳什麼... 好在外婆在...妳快去問問醫生吧~ 祝早日康復!!

Bao said...




ps.也是要去看醫師確定你吃的藥都是breastfeeding safe喔

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



沙子娘 said...

嗯~ BAO講的是對的 小BABY吸奶的力量比PUMP大多了! 但如果某些情況下不能給BABY喝母乃了(媽媽用藥) 那就一定要擠出來..我知道有些人去打退奶針 據我所知會影響CUP size 變小 所以...嗯...看你的醫生怎麼說吧!

Mommy Dearest said...

感冒了, must rest a lot. For your breast, promise me you don't laugh first. To ease the pain and hardness, try put a big piece of CABBAGE leaf on your breast (like Polynesian ladies), that will give you some relief. Of course you must see your doctor about it. Could be some of the milk ducts are jammed,anyway, don't worry, very common problem!

Take care and let your mommy take care of Zoya in the meantime!

Anonymous said...

是啊, 應該去看醫生
正常的話, 乳頭不應有硬塊或痛得這樣厲害

aiwen said...

Oh dear, hope you're feeling better!

First of all, as a nursing mom, you really need to be extra careful and take extra good care of yourself for the sake of the baby! I was medicine free for almost 4 years, believe it or not. Before you take any medicine, you should check with your doctor. You might need to search around a find a doctor who believes in the same thing you do and work with you on an alternative drug or method to cure your illness to avoid medications which will pass thru nursing!

Also, I'm quoting from a nursing bible called "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding", published by La Leche League... "For minor illness such as cold or flu, you needn't even consider interrupting breastfeeding. The germs are not transmitted through your milk... Your milk can actually protect your baby from getting sick when you have a cold or flu. A nursing mother produces antibodies to the specific germs her baby has been exposed to... If your illness is more serious-for example, pneumonia, hepititis, or tuberculosis-doctor on our Health Advisory Council still advice continuing breastfeeding... your milk provides special protection for you baby against the virus or bacteria causing your illness... If you become seriously ill and your doctor suggest weaning the baby, explain how important breastfeeding is to both of you... It would be a good idea to discuss your situation with your La Leche League Leader as she may know of other doctors who are more supportive of breastfeeding... Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any medication while you are breastfeeding, even drugs that are available without a prescription..."

Also, most nursing moms go through breast engorgement every now and then. Several ways to ease the discomfort... 1. Nurse your baby more frequently (I nurse Austin every 2 hours on regular basis) 2. Use a heating pad or hot towel (stick it into the microwave, but be careful of getting burned). Before you use any of the traditional remedies, do check with your doctor. And if discomfort continues for more than a few days, go see a doctor!

Anonymous said...


感冒的話 其實很多藥還是可以吃啦
我那時候是打電話問 ob office
我記得那時候的Tylelod cold 好像都能吃

A-Yen said...


Anonymous said...

hope you feel better soon~

Mommy Dearest said...

Are you better today? Anyway, if you are reading this message now, you shouldn't. You are supposed to REST REST REST! Haaaa

joy薯 said...
