Monday, April 30, 2012

Protein Muffins!


這天參加Camp的姐妹們都有口福啦, 沒想到Peiwen一早三四點就起床, 為我們做了好多好好吃的Protien Muffins!!!

前一陣子Alejandra做了Protein Muffins, Peiwen就在家裡試做與我們一起分享, Alejandra的食譜做出來的Protein Muffins說實在很像在吃可可粉, 所以只咬了一口!

Peiwen經過三次實驗之後, 找出來比較適合正常人的甜點食譜, 而且一運動完回到家一吃, 好好吃喔!!!

這個是Protein Muffins的食譜是有加巧克力, 適合喜歡吃巧克力的:


½ cup brown rice flour
½ cup oat flour
5 egg whites
1/4 cup cocoa powder (原本Alejandra是加1/2杯,但整個吃起來有可可粉打翻的感覺)
½ tsp baking soda

Separately on stove:

melt 2 squares of baking chocolate
mash 2 ripe banana
1 tblsp of peanut or almond butter
1 tblsp of agave syrup (optional) --> 因為已經多加一根香蕉, 所以這部分沒有另外加糖
2 ounces of water

Melt chocolate squares, mash banana, add in almond or peanut butter, syrup and water. Once chocolate is melted remove from heat and add the flour mixture. Blend and pour into muffin tin.

Bake at 350F for 12-15 min.

基本上看成份, 我覺得當Post Workout早餐都可以, 蠻推薦的! 想要自己做做看的人, 可以看Alejandra的影片介紹!


這個是Protein Muffins的食譜是沒有加巧克力的:


1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon
pinch nutmeg
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 cup unsweetended applesauce
2 egg whites and one yolk
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 cup pureed sweet carrots
1/2 cup agave nectar
1/4 cup safflower oil
1 tbsp best quality vanilla
1/2 cup raisins

Reheat oven to 400F and bake for 20 minutes.


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