Thursday, August 25, 2005


威爺今天回媽媽家吃飯, 就炒了"愛心蕃茄蛋包飯"給自己當晚餐, 順便幫威爺準備了明天的便當...呵呵...冰箱裡還有我買 2 for $6 Haggen Dazs 的 Ice Cream 做甜點, 每次威爺看到我吃 Ice Cream, 他總是說, 我娶得不是一個胖太太呀! 原來我是被騙的! 所以趁威爺不在好好的大吃一番...嘿嘿嘿...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! Icecreampuffpuff knows how to cook!!! It's just amazing when I read her blog. I guess marriage can really change a person a lot. Icecreampuffpuff has moved to San Francisco for about 5 to 6 years. She didn't do any chores at home when she was here with us. But look at her now, she cooks everyday for her new husband (well, the one and only one, but new). heehee...

I stayed at her place for couple weeks last summer and we only ate once at her apartment. And I didn't know she can cook. haha~ 威爺,你好幸福喔! 藝術家煮的東西看起來好像都比較好吃ㄟ~ yummy!