Tuesday, September 13, 2005


做了一個很傷心的夢, 我最愛的小弟弟竟然在夢裡只剩下最後一口氣, 我衝到他面前為得就是能跟他說最後一句話, 希望他支持下去... 我真的跟他說了最後一句話, 並交代不管如何都要陪在我身邊, 突然爸爸也趕到了, 夢裡那將要失去的痛, 真的好痛, 就哭著醒來. 醒來後夢很真很清析, 所以趕快向神禱告. 希望神在Robert身邊好好保守他, 不管發生甚麼事, 希望都沒事. 晚上看到Robert上MSN, 我問他最近如何, 他說今天沒去上課, 因為病得很重, 我說真的嗎? 這麼剛好, 或許是神提醒我要為他禱告吧. 我將我的夢告訴他, 他說What the... but I am getting better, and I will go to school tomorrow. 或許是我多心了, 這個Weekend要回去LA參加Wayne的婚禮, 剛好可以看看他, 沒事就好. 感謝主~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel... I had dreams like that sometimes... not very nice...

I dream about my dad dying once... it was so vivid... It totally scared me... as soon as I wake up, I called home... and he was there, sitting in the living room and watch TV...

Being a long time dream analyst, I know dreams are not to be taken literally... so next time you will know... :)