Saturday, September 24, 2005

Love Parade & 雯雯的"別衣" and David的"Unreal" Opening Night

中午走著走著, 尋找那Love Parade的一群人, 希望能趁機照幾張像, 其實就在離我公寓不遠的地方. 我只要看到很奇怪又特別的造型, 就趕快捕捉那個時刻和鏡頭. 心裡卻浮上有種莫名的感動, 社會上每個人真的很缺乏一種愛, 雖然大家忙於自己現在的生活, 但是那種孤單需要及虛空是很難找到任何事物來填補的. 看著大家在吶喊, 連小孩也天真的跟著, 他們真的知道自己要的是什麼嗎? 晚上跟著Maggie和Michael去參加雯雯的"別衣" & David的"Unreal"電影Opening Night, 大家都盛裝參加, 連龍濤我都認不出來啦. 每個人一身黑. 我卻是牛仔褲加運動鞋... 不過今晚是雯雯和David的重要時刻, 他們費盡心力好不容易將這論文做完了. 這兩部片大概各30Mins, 非常Professional喔~ 很為他們高興, 我們結束後二十個人一起去"地茂館"吃晚餐. 才發現我好像已經很久沒有跟一群人類接觸了...
SF Love Parade Photos
SF Love Parade


Anonymous said...

"Unreal"那是什麼樣的電影? 好看嗎? 我也想看一下!~ 對了~ 你們去的餐廳有什麼特色嗎? 介紹一下啦~ ^^ 還有那照片是怎樣? 他們真的都不穿衣服的喔? 是同性戀的嗎?
好怪的造型! 嘻嘻!

Anonymous said...

what is Love parade???

IceCreampuff said...

哇, 妳有超多問題的, 啊妳是問題兒童喔~ 哈哈... "Unreal"是有關一個醫生催眠的故事. 我現在要去教會了, 回來再說, 哈!!!

Anonymous said...

oh... I am so glad that you guys went to the parade... I hope you weren't too startled to see the crowd...

looking at your photos reminds me so much of our college days in Berkeley... thank you for documenting the event Janice! I would totally go if I live up there~ (sigh~ I miss SF...)

did you see any cool DJs?! How was the music?!

Sydney said...


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Your pictures are getting more and more professional looking. Way to go!

Wow, is this a "love parade"? Cool. What is "love" anyways? Why is this called a Love Parade? I see no visible evidence that any "love" was shown. Is not Love choosing to love no matter how you feel about someone? It isn’t a requirement to like someone in order to love them.
A great man once said, “Love your enemies”
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Just a thought. If I were to put on a "Love Parade" I think I would focus on "love"...whatever that is.