Sunday, December 05, 2010

11.18.2010 可惡的駭客!

晚上突然看到一封拔拔寄來的Email, 但是很詭異的是Subject寫的是"Sad News", 內容是這樣的......


Hope you get this on time, sorry I did not inform you about my trip to Edinburgh, UK for a program, regrettably for me all my money got stolen alongside with my bag where my passport and traveling documents were kept. The robbers hit my head with a gun and I lost consciousness. Please I need you to lend me about £1350 so I can make preparations to go back home.

I have spoken with the embassy but they are not responding effectively to the matter. I will return the money once i get home. I am so confused right now.

I will be waiting to hear from you.

Pastor Peter Shiau


我還以為我看錯, 看了好幾遍, 對呀, 沒錯上面寫的是拔拔的名字, 我想有人用了拔拔的Account, 拔拔正要上樓睡覺, 我趕快告訴他, 他說難怪前十五分鐘, 他都沒辦法進去他的Email!

我趕快寄Email給教會的弟兄姊妹, 叫大家不要回信, 回信的趕快改Password!

我還說奇怪他說要£1350, 可是沒有說怎麼樣把錢給他啊? 我才發現原來回信的人都會收到第二封Email......


Thanks for your kindness and support, I have made inquiry on how you can send me the money and I was told that Western Union Money Transfer is the easiest and fastest way to transfer money to United Kingdom.

Here is the information you should send the money to.....
Name: Peter Shiau
19 - 21 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PB, Scotland

Once again, I am extremely thankful for your concern. Immediately you have the money transferred to me, kindly help me scan a copy of the receipt given to you, or you help me write out the necessary details on the receipt.

Please I will be waiting to hear from you soon.

Best regards


挖勒哩..... 居然還有Account在Western Union Money Transfer? 還是用我拔拔的名字, 我很懷疑這樣真的可以拿得到錢嗎?

不過這幾天我拔拔有接不完的電話, 一整天電話響個不停, 因為所有在拔拔Email裡的Contacts都收到這封信了!

拔拔說說也奇怪, 平常本來不連絡的朋友, 居然都從世界各地打電話來關心問候, 尤其是海外的, 大家可能都想牧師去英國宣教很有可能, 都打電話來確認一下是不是真的需要幫忙, 其實這才發覺生活周遭還是有很多人在關心的, 哈哈哈哈哈哈......

不過這個駭客真是可惡, 真不知道有沒有人真的會錢過去哩?

1 comment:

Bug said...

有 我二伯長期參與宣教的工作 真有人匯錢 還是中國很窮的信徒 真的狠氣....