Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Imaginarium City Central Train Table 01


第一次看到Imaginarium Train Table是在Jean+Roger家, 一整個都是木頭做的, 除了超好看的, 小男生一定很愛!

Thomas Train雖然有名, 但是我們發現Thomas Train的Train Table沒有Imaginarium的Trian Table做的好, 其實Thomas Train也可以在這個Trian Table上跑喔!

每次到ToysRUs, 我們都會注意一下這Train Table, 那天我和威爺突然看到一個"Sale+25%Off"的Sign下面居然只剩下最後二組"Imaginarium City Central Train Table", 剛剛好小Zech的生日就要到了, 威爺二話不說的馬上就買啦!!!

等到算完錢, 哇!!! 哇!!! 哇!!! 我們撿到便宜, 這原價本來$160的Train Table, 我們$70就買到了!!! 真是個除了小Zech會開心, 我和威爺也超開心的生日禮物!!!

本來我們想要等小若雅+小Zech生日趴的那天晚上拿出來這個大驚喜, 反而是威爺等不及的前幾個晚上就拿出來, 讓小Zech開心得跳來跳去, 哈哈哈哈哈哈..........




沒想到一打開箱子就是一張超大張的Assembly Guide!!!






有沒有很有架勢呢? 哈哈哈哈哈哈..........


不過威爺真的教小Zech應該怎麼裝, 怎麼用工具拴螺絲喔! 好像小Zech自己組裝的一樣哩, 哈哈哈哈哈哈.........


這天晚上威爺和小Zech把整個Train Table組裝好嘍!!!

更多裝小Zech Train Table的照片 >


The City Central Train Table set comes with a Central Station, Scrubbing train wash, fueling station with working sign, Heliport Express tunnel, Light-Up bridge, a working crane with magnetic grapple, and a 3-Door roundhouse with working turntable. The sounds and lights can be activated using any wooden train engine or train car with magnets, so your child's existing Brio or Thomas & Friends wooden train sets can be used with it. When playtime ends, store everything in the train table's two large drawers. The set can easily clean up using a damp cloth so your train is always in great shape. Two large drawers in the table allow you to store all of your train accessories close at hand. Battery Info: 6 button cell & 7 AAA required.

The City Central Train Table includes:
100+ pieces
23+ feet of track
Assembled Dimensions: 49.375L x 32.75W x 17H

Imaginarium City Central Train Table >

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