Saturday, July 24, 2010

02 Zech 1st + Zoya 3rd "Elmo" Birthday Party Invitation

Screen shot 2010-07-24 at 11.24.23 PM

La la la-la~ La la la-la~ Elmo Song!

Dear Z+Z's friends,

Yeah~~~ Let's have some fun for Zech's 1st and Zoya's 3rd "Elmo" birthday Party!

We will only have one hour in the party room, please please please be ON TIME!

After eating brunch, playing games, cutting the cake, and taking photos....., we are going to play @ the Pretend City Children's Museum for the entire day!

Dress Code: Let's wear the Elmo RED color!!!


在網上找了很多Elmo的圖片, 最後看到這個蛋糕很可愛, 就決定用它了!

六月的第一個禮拜寄了Evite寄出去, 讓大家可以先Save the Date, 也可以比較多時間考慮要不要來參加, 七月初再Remind一次, 然後七月第二個禮拜確定人數, Pretend City在最後一個禮拜前需要跟他們確定人數, 這樣時間比較充裕, 人數也比較容易確定!

Zech 1st + Zoya 3rd "Elmo" Birthday Party Evite >

02 Zoya's 1st Birthday LUAU Party Invitation >

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