Sunday, December 16, 2007


奇怪最近小若雅的枕頭上, 只要小若雅躺著睡過, 都會有好多頭髮喔!

難道小若雅開始掉胎毛了嗎? 不知道這樣要掉多久.

難怪上次教會有ㄧ個馬麻跟我們說, 小北鼻的頭都會禿ㄧ陣子, 後來才會有長好看ㄧ點.


1 comment:

aiwen said...

Bald? I don't thinks so! Austin was never bald, neither his cousins! In fact, he has too much hair that I don't know what to do?

Are you washing her hair everyday? If you are, DON'T! Once or twice a week is plenty! And don't use too much shampoo either! A pea drop is enough! Or just wash with water! Try it! Maybe it will help!