Sunday, December 16, 2007


還記得小若雅剛出生, 因為我的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ不夠她喝, 醫院就送了ㄧ打Ready-to-Feed的Formula, 是ㄧ罐裝2oz的, 只要ㄧ轉開, 裝上奶嘴就可以喝, 只不過外面都還沒有賣這種Formula, 只有奶粉.

最近Similac終於出了Ready-to-Feed的Formula, 為了即將出去Road Tripㄧ個禮拜, 不用煩泡ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 不用冷藏, 我就先買了ㄧ箱8oz, 這幾天先讓小若雅喝喝看, 看她喜不喜歡. 當然罐裝的Formula比奶粉貴ㄧ些些喔~

後來我發現聰明的小若雅最近開始懂得哪ㄧ罐是馬麻的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 哪ㄧ罐是Ready-to-Feed的Formula, 哪ㄧ罐是奶粉泡的. 小若雅最不喜歡奶粉泡的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 有的時候舌頭把奶嘴頂出來, 怎麼樣就是不喝, 尤其是剛剛泡好的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ.

我也發現我自己擠出來的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 甜甜的還滿好喝的, 小若雅最愛! Ready-to-Feed的Formula有點像豆奶的味道, 最難喝的真的是泡奶粉的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 都有種怪味哩! 難怪大家都說還是母奶最好, 這是真的!

Similac Advance Nursers - 8 oz bottles - case of 24 >


aiwen said...

The more you nurse, the more milk you will produce. The more formula you feed, the less milk you will produce. It's how female body works.

Nursing is still most convenient, wouldn't you say? Anywhere, anytime, I just stick Austin under my shirt, and he's a happy boy! So when we go on trips, except for diapers, I don't bring anything!

IceCreampuff said...

To Aiwen,

I guess I don't nurse enough, so my milk is getting less and less............

I still don't use to nurse Zoya, I like just to give her read-to-feed bottle, it is more convenient for me li. I don't feel comfortable to nurse Zoya outside tho, I donno...........

Anonymous said...

If you don't have enought ㄋㄟ,try some bird seeds. My son grow very well with just bird seed...hehehe
