Friday, August 01, 2008


就在小若雅快滿12個月的時候, 居然發燒咳嗽流鼻水, 聽說小孩子的病毒是最強的, 也因此拔拔馬麻我們都逃不過這病毒的手掌心, 可說是病毒侵襲我們整個洗家!

上個星期一一大早就在要帶小若雅去醫院12個月Check-Up, 前一二天小若雅就沒有發燒了, 只是猛咳嗽流鼻水, 威爺還特地沒去上班帶我們去古醫生那裡, 其實威爺自己也咳的嚴重, 每次威爺如果一生病咳嗽都要好久才會好.

我們等了一下下, 照例量了體重身高頭圍, 卻發現平常小若雅的體重都是Above 50%的, 現在居然只剩下15%, 也就是醫生口中說他是營養不良的小北鼻!

古醫生說身高都是遺傳, 所以有的小北鼻比較高, 有的小北鼻比較矮, 但是體重的話就是營養, 和小北鼻平常吃東西的習慣了, 他就說我們餵小若雅吃得不夠, 本來應該要20幾磅的, 現在只有18磅, 說真的我本來以為小若雅有20磅了, 是不是生病突然整個瘦啦?!!!

小若雅因為生病不舒服, 這幾天都非要我抱著, 超級黏我, 才放上床讓古醫生看看, 就開始大哭起來.

後來古醫生發現我們晚上都是讓小若雅喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ睡覺就被念了一頓, 而且他說我們應該讓小若雅有自己的房間, 最好跟他分房睡. 如果沒有房間, 就把他的床放在一個他看不到我們的地方. 他居然說像他有第一個小孩的時候, 他和他先生就是住在一個房間的Apt, 他們就讓北鼻睡在房間, 他們自己睡在客廳.

他的女兒也是把他的北鼻放在他們Apt裡的Hall Way, 最主要就是晚上睡覺的時候不要讓北鼻看到大人睡覺, 這樣他們比較不會哭也不會吵. 他們應該是可以睡過夜, 一次睡好幾個小時的, 就是因為半夜看到大人們在睡覺, 他們就會想要哭想要抱..........

古醫生開了二罐藥水給小若雅, 一罐是止痰, 另外一罐是給感冒流鼻水的.

不過沒有發燒的小若雅這次還是逃不過打三針預防針的命運! 生病已經粉可憐了, 現在又打了三針預防針, 真的是太太太讓我心疼了!!!

中午我和威爺就跑去Montery Park那邊的小宋采味樓跟威爺的家人吃飯, 順便送要開回北加州的威媽威弟和威阿姨! 整個下午小若雅都睡得好熟, 只希望小若雅的病趕快好起來!

501 S Atalantic Blvd
Montery Park, CA 91754


Anonymous said...

Katy Said,

Zoya 睡 hall way??
how about Browney??
poor Browney..come to
pretty aunt's house.
we have room for you.
hehe...we welcome Zoya too.

aiwen said...

That depends on which doctor you see! If you read Dr. Sears book, children sleep better with their parents because they feel more secure and they will develop a stronger bond with the parents! (Think... don't you feel more secure with you mom around?) And how many years out of you life do you get to sleep with you baby? Austin is 5 and he already trying to get rid of me when he has his cousins!

But true, falling asleep with a bottle is not good for her teeth, unless you wipe her teeth with cloth or brush after she falls asleep! Wait until she's in deep sleep so you don't wake her when you do it!

And cold medicine usually make children drowsy and sleepy to make them rest! So it's normal for her to sleep well! I remember the first time Austin slept through the night was under medication, for 12 hours! And I took him off the medication right away because it scared the heck out of me!

And I don't think you should worry about her weight, or height! I remember Austin's pediatrician told me that all children are different, just like adult! And you can tell if they are malnutritian because they're usually week and less engergetic. Zoya looks like such a healthy baby! The chart is just a reference!

Anonymous said...

Katy Said,

Zoya 睡 hall way??
how about Browney??
poor Browney..come to
pretty aunt's house.
we have room for you.
hehe...we welcome Zoya too.

Anonymous said...

That depends on which doctor you see! If you read Dr. Sears book, children sleep better with their parents because they feel more secure and they will develop a stronger bond with the parents! (Think... don't you feel more secure with you mom around?) And how many years out of you life do you get to sleep with you baby? Austin is 5 and he already trying to get rid of me when he has his cousins!

But true, falling asleep with a bottle is not good for her teeth, unless you wipe her teeth with cloth or brush after she falls asleep! Wait until she's in deep sleep so you don't wake her when you do it!

And cold medicine usually make children drowsy and sleepy to make them rest! So it's normal for her to sleep well! I remember the first time Austin slept through the night was under medication, for 12 hours! And I took him off the medication right away because it scared the heck out of me!

And I don't think you should worry about her weight, or height! I remember Austin's pediatrician told me that all children are different, just like adult! And you can tell if they are malnutritian because they're usually week and less engergetic. Zoya looks like such a healthy baby! The chart is just a reference!

IceCreampuff said...

To Katy,


IceCreampuff said...

To Aiwen,

Yeah, I think each doctor will say different things.....

I guess I will try to do my best and do more research, and thanks for all the good suggestions as always!