Sunday, August 31, 2008

超好吃的大漢堡 The Counter!!!

The Counter - The Custom Built Burgers!

不愧是建築師的威爺, 晚上帶著我們去吃The "Custom Built"的Burgers, 是Custom Built的喔!!! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈...............一進去The Counter就是很多在一旁等位子的人, 幾乎都是美國人, 應該很少東方人知道這家餐廳吧!?我們就邊等位子邊Custom Built自己的Burgers, 就在Counter上有很多Clipboards, 看著上面有一整張的List, 從Step1到Step5, 就這樣一個步驟一個步驟的Built自己想要漢堡的口味!Step#1 Choose a Burger 就是先選擇想要的肉, 我們都選了1/3 lb的牛肉, 都已經覺得那是牛排嗎, 超級好吃的!!! 當然還有Turkey, Veggie, 和Grilled Chicken, 也有沒有麵包的漢堡, 就是Burger in a Bowl嘍!Step#2 Choose a Cheese 挖勒哩, 光這些Cheese就這麼多種, 我哪知道甚麼是甚麼啊?!!! 就選我愛吃的Herb Goat Cheese Spread好了!Step#3 Choose Up to 4 Toppings 隨便選四個Toppings是不用加錢的, 如果選Premium Toppings就$1 per Selection! 我選了Grilled Onions, Hard Boiled Eggs, Mixed Baby Greens, 和Roasted Red Peppers! 這裡是美國唯一一家漢堡店是可以加Hard Boiled Eggs的喔!Step#4 Choose a Sauce 這個也是一個頭二個大, 威爺說就選一個從來沒有聽過的名字就對了! 好吧, 那我就選了Dijion Balsamic Dressing, 實在是不知道是什麼東東, 挖哈哈哈哈啊哈哈.............. 不過我們四個人, 全部都選不同的Sauces, 反正都是放在一邊, 你要加不加都可以!Step#5 Choose a Bun 有三種麵包, 第一種是English Muffin, 第二種是Hamburger Bun, 第三種是Honey Wheat Bun. 欣妮阿姨和Will叔叔都是選Hamburger Bun, 就是我們最常見到的漢堡麵包, 我和威爺則選Honey Wheat Bun, 本來我還以為Wheat的會比較乾又硬, 沒想到還好軟甜甜的滿好吃的耶!!!

就這樣光一個漢堡選了老半天, 哈!

不過總共有312,120+種不同搭配的漢堡, 讓每個來吃的客人都可以擁有自己很Unique的漢堡, 很少一天同樣的一個漢堡會出現二次喔!!!我們也叫了一個The "Fifty-Fifty" Fries & Sweet Fries(Sweet Potato Fries), 還有可以一直Refill的飲料!等所有的漢堡堡一到, 哇! 好大一個啊, 不過那牛肉真的超讚的!!!

如果你知道In-N-Out的漢堡有多好吃, 這可以跟它比喔! 真的很推薦這家超好吃的大漢堡 The Counter!!!

更多The Counter的照片 >

The Counter >
2901 Ocean Park Boulevard
Santa Monica CA 90405


heelers said...

Janice Ni Hao.
Wo shi Ai Er Lan ren.
Your blog is making me hungry.
Hao chi!
By the way I've never seen Bible quotes in Chinese before.
I wonder where I could get prayers in Chinese with pin yin characters and translations as well.
Zai Jian.

隨意遐想,四處翱翔,吃喝天下~ said...

啊~~剛吃完烤肉到家﹐明明肚子很飽很飽~~ 怎麼才看到一堆洋蔥的漢堡﹐竟然會有食慾哪﹖﹗ =.= 很(((想)))減肥的人﹐可能這幾個禮拜就找一天去吃看看嘍﹗﹗﹗ ^o^

Anonymous said...

Hi, Janice looks so great!
we don't have the counter in SD, but there is one in Irvine..
haha...I wanna eat it!!!!
May I ask how much?

加州塔塔~大蒙眷愛小女子 said...


妳回去台灣 可以幫我買曾晴的書本ㄇ



Heidi said...

Wow... 看起來真好吃... 可惜東岸這裡沒有這一間店...

Will said...

wa...看起來好肥好肥..but 看起來好吃好吃
等我們去完上海台灣吃完台灣好吃食物後, 回來美國再來吃好肥好肥but好吃好吃的美國食物..:D

IceCreampuff said...

To James,

Sorry to make u hungry, ha!
It seems u can read and speak Chinese,
u must love Chinese, hum?
What do you mean "get prayers in Chinese with pin yin characters and translations as well"?
Actually, I donno about pin yin, and I always use zhuin.
Sorry I cannot help~

IceCreampuff said...

To Onionring88,


IceCreampuff said...

To Stephanie,

Yeah, u can try the one in Irvine,
its closer to SD, ha!

Well, the price for the burgers is depense on how big the meat you order, and its around $8-10 I think.......

But this is a very very delicious burger!!!

IceCreampuff said...

To 塔塔,

好, 我盡量!


IceCreampuff said...

To Jersey Wind,


IceCreampuff said...

To Will,

Welcome to the Apple world!!!


aiwen said...

That looks good!

Don't know if you've ever been to Fuddrucker's, the original build your own burger place!?

It started in Texas and has been around since my college days. There are 10 restaurants just in Houston, alone, and 20 in California, with one in Santa Monica!

Go try it!

IceCreampuff said...

To Aiwen,

I have never been to Fuddrucker's.
Maybe I should go to check it out!
It sounds great, too!