Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome to the World, Jubilee!

Jeremy是我在舊金山AAU念Under的時候, Multimedia/Computer Art的同學, 很快的他跟一位教會的姊妹結婚了, 他們都很愛主! 感謝主, 前天他的女兒Jubilee很順利的出生了喔!!!

Hello World!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Jubilee Huaeying Cho. When my parents first found out they were having me, their first thought was that they wanted me to have much joy. My parents saw that I gave a little smile when I entered this world, that's why they named me Jubilee. My middle name means "Graceful Heroine." It was given to me by my parents as well, with the help of both sets of my grandparents and my great grandmother Cho.

My arrival date was August 26, 2008 at 5:44pm. I just found out that I weigh 7 pounds and 12 ounces and am 20 inches in length.

Mommy Amy and Daddy Jeremy says "hi" to everyone!

Can't wait to meet you all!


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