Saturday, December 05, 2009

Z+Z 姐弟倆!

最近我發現小Zech很喜歡跟小若雅講話喔, 小Zech會咿咿呀呀的對著小若雅說一堆, 然後開始笑, 當小若雅也開始對小Zech一起笑, 二個人就咯咯的笑很久, 真是好玩!

雖然倆姐弟開始會玩在一起, 小若雅還是很喜歡欺負弟弟, 有的時候拿東西丟小Zech, 有的時候會用手用腳偷偷踢小Zech, 或是用頭去撞小Zech....

每次小若雅欺負小Zech都會被我們處罰, 我們就說要把弟弟送給別人, 小若雅居然還會說不要把弟弟送給別人, 我想小若雅就想要有一個人可以欺負打發無聊的時間吧, 哈哈哈哈哈..... 看來等他們長大一起打架的時候就快到了!

那天我幫他們姐弟倆在床上換尿布, 二個人都躺在床上, 我就順手折了衣服轉身放進去櫃子裡, 沒想到突然看到小若雅居然用手指頭去戳小Zech的左眼, 挖勒哩! 等我發現的時候小Zech的眼睛已經紅了!!!

馬上小若雅就被我打了手也被Time Out! 小Zech的眼睛就這樣紅了好幾天, 我超擔心的!

還記得Cindy之前寫過Chloe會戳他娃娃的眼睛, 沒想到我們家也發生同樣的事, 只不過不是戳娃娃, 而是戳弟弟!!!

希望被處罰的小若雅可以記得這次的教訓, 每次把Z+Z放在一起, 我還是要多小心!

1 comment:

Joy said...

Did you tell her how she SHOULD act? It's not easy to know how to act around little babies (think about how we were when we first became parents) Zoya is just trying things out but it's good to grab her hands to show her to pat Zach gently, to hug him, to read story to him, and to keep her hands off of him if he doesn't like it. I know I would hate being put to time-out when I think I'm just playing with my brother/sister. Once you give the result of punishment, it can leave a bad taste in her mouth. I strongly urge you not to punish her too much. After all, I don't think she does it to intentionly hurt him, right?