Friday, February 23, 2007

威爺威嫂的40Days Euro Amazing Race

[Day 18 . 01] 義大利羅馬的卡拉卡拉大浴場 Italy-Roma-Terme di Caracalla >

[Day 18 . 02] 義大利古羅馬市集 Italy-Roma-Foro Romano >

[Day 18 . 03] 義大利古羅馬競技場 Italy-Roma-Colosseo >

威爺威嫂的Euro Amazing Race >


aiwen said...

I thought you forgot about your euro trip!

Hey, which locations are your friend's Subway? In Taipei?

IceCreampuff said...

To Aiwen,

Hahaha.......... I just don't have time to update the Euro trip yet, but now I do.

My friend owns three Subways in Taipei, Taiwan~! His name is Jack Wu, hehehe....... Let me ask him if he has any coupons or discounts for you~