Thursday, July 26, 2007

Say Hi to My Baby Girl!!!


"新生命的誕生Part I"
"新生命的誕生Part II"
"新生命的誕生Part III"



Anonymous said...

恭喜你們! 好可愛的Zoya‧我會把她的相片印出來帶去教會給大家看‧希望你們能帶她來舊金山玩玩‧

Anonymous said...


Tina / 小盧鄧子的媽 said...

欣妮阿姨妳一定不可以讓威嫂碰電腦喔~ 她會上癮而忘了餵奶...哈哈哈~

Anonymous said...

Zoya 好可愛哦!

aiwen said...

Please tell Janice that it's really okay to watch a little TV, read, or use the computer. Just don't over do it! My doctor even gave me stuff to read while still in bed! But DO rest well and eat well!

There is a quote ... "new mothers are not expected to leave their beds for a month after giving birth"... which I remember reading somewhere. But that was over a century ago! We are liberated women, not prisoners to tradition and taboos!

I was skeptical and certainly refuse to be a prisoner so I annoyed my doctor and nurses by getting their permission everytime I do something which I'm not suppose to. My sweet doctor just laughed and said that it's the 21st century!

So I washed my hair, read books, browsed the www, watched TV, drank icy cold milk, walked around the hospital (by my doctor's request)... the day after Austin came out!

Although my mamma made me wash my hair and take a shower using cooked water, (which I thought it was ridiculous), I didn't want to fight with her! But didn't the doctor rinsed us right after the baby came out (otherwise we'd be soaked in blood)? I asked the nurse and she said "yes"! And she also told me drinking cold water actually helps us recover by causing contraction which prevent excessive bleeding! And she said that moderate exercise helps the recover process faster, so I went shopping a week after the baby's born!

After doing all that... should I be thanking God that I'm still alive? Or thanking God that I might be better off than the women trapped in the granny prison for a month?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

對對對~ 小baby睡得時候趕快跟著睡, 千萬別在那空檔趕著做這做那的喔~ 會累壞的~ 做事雖重要, 睡眠價更高呀! 切記切記~ :D

Mommy Dearest said...

欣妮阿姨棒棒棒,以後不止Zoya要孝順妳,連威嫂那封“喝茶紅包”也要特別大啊, 哈哈哈哈哇哈

沙子娘 said...

多喝水多睡多休息是對的~ 以我的經驗坐月子一定要放輕鬆把身體養好未來的日子長得很照顧BABY可是24小時的工作ㄋ 不過.. 威嫂你很幸運有家人在旁邊 你會恢復很快的