Sunday, March 09, 2008


最近小若雅不知道怎麼搞的, 可能因為長牙齒吧, 每天晚上每二個小時起來ㄧ次, 所以她十點或十一點睡, 二點起來ㄧ次, 四點起來ㄧ次, 六點又起來ㄧ次. 已經連續好幾天, 可累壞了我這個媽!

今天早上小若雅就坐在床上自己玩, 我已經累得呼呼大睡, 我想說威爺在陪她玩, 也就不管了. 後來突然聽到不對勁又很快"咕嚕"一聲, 小若雅就滾到床旁邊的地上了! 因為床太小, 原來威爺早就跑到床腳那邊睡著了!

還好我們的床比較低, 而且旁邊地上有ㄧ些衣服. 小若雅只流了ㄧ二滴眼淚, 馬麻抱抱就馬上不哭了. 反而嚇到我和威爺, 希望小若雅沒有怎樣..........

小若雅, 你好勇敢喔! 主耶穌保護你, 不會痛痛嘍!!!


Anonymous said...


aiwen said...

Don't worry too much! Austin rolled off our bed when he was about 11 months too. I was away doing chores and thought that he was safe with a pillow next to him. All I heard was "plop!" then "wah!" And I found him on the floor!

Also, all of Austin's 4 front teeth pooped out around 4 months and all 20 completed before 2! I don't remember having any problem with him teething, not even when I had to nurse! But I do nurse him every 2-3 hours, even in the evenings, and his dad burps him afterwards... those were the good o'days!

Mommy Dearest said...

It is ok... if it is old grandmother then she will HIT the floor n scold the FLOOR.... haaaaa. Strange , isn't it?

沙子娘 said...

好像每個小孩都摔到床下過喔! 若雅很勇敢喔! 馬上不哭!