Saturday, June 03, 2006

In Her Shoes

看了這部改編自美國女作家珍妮佛.威納暢銷小說的電影, 看到妹妹偷穿姊姊的高跟鞋, 或偷偷用姊姊的東西, 一直讓我想到我跟我妹, 我們以前也常常因為偷穿誰的衣服或是用誰的東西, 就會大吵"你幹嘛穿我的衣服啊?""你幹嘛穿人家的鞋子啦!!!", 哈哈哈... 現在長大了隨便穿就比較沒有關係了, 哈! 真的滿奇妙的, 我們家三姊妹, 同樣的爸媽, 吃同樣的東西, 住同樣的家, 可是當我們長大, 我們每個人的個性卻都不一樣. 當吵架的時候, 很多真實的一面就會出現, 不過這份姊妹的愛卻更深. 電影裡, 尤其是當她們倆姊妹吵架, 姊姊在籌備婚禮或Bridal Shower的時候, 妹妹不在身邊的那個情景, 真的讓我覺得超感謝主讓我有兩個超愛我的妹妹, 能在我結婚的時候, 從頭到尾都在我的身邊, 幫我很多的事情, 想起來真的很窩心. 從小到大我們都一起長大, 不管是欣妮還是阿如妹, 我們那種姊妹的感情, 沒有什麼樣的感情是能夠來代替. 電影裡面的妹妹是個Party Animal, 而姊姊是一個滿有成就的律師, 這對從小相依為命單親家庭的姐妹, 除了鞋子大小一樣其他全無共通點. 也因為妹妹的隨性, 沒想到有一天居然不小心的跟姊姊的男朋友上床, 姊妹的感情才真的宣告決裂. 在這段單獨面對每天生活的日子裡, 她們漸漸懂得去欣賞彼此, 而去彼此原諒, 更珍惜彼此姊妹的感情. 姊姊結婚的典禮上, 妹妹還是給予了最美的祝福...
I carry your heart with me

I carry your heart with me(I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it
(anywhere I go you go,my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)

I fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)
I want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart(I carry it in my heart)
In Her Shoes


Anonymous said...

this is a good movie, i like it


Anonymous said...

好看嗎 嘻嘻 好像很搞笑

IceCreampuff said...

cannot wait to see noelle's bro and sis... oh, yeah~! more meat for tata and i, hahaha...