Wednesday, August 19, 2009

08.18.2009 Tuesday 服裝表演的小Zech!

昨天當馬麻抱著小Zech, 就聽到超大聲的"噗~~~", 我們都笑著每次小Zech便便都很大聲, 才沒講完多久, 又來一聲"噗~~~", 後來我就把小Zech抱去換片片!

一把小Zech的尿布打開, 挖勒哩!!! 我整個傻眼, 小Zech的便便從整個屁股一直到背上都有, 而且都是黃色稀稀的大便, 不知道這是正常北鼻的便便都是這樣還是小Zech拉肚子?! 總之和威爺突然手忙攪亂的趕快把小Zech抓去洗澡, 然後整個大清洗, 只能說...... 啊!!! 我摸到小Zech的便便啦!!!

今天我再次抱著小Zech喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 喝著喝著突然又聽到超大聲的"噗~~~", 我想昨天發生的事情應該不會再次發生了, 沒多久, 又來一聲"噗~~~", 我等小Zech喝完ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 要幫他換片片的時候, 才抱起來就發現因為小Zech穿著短短的Babysuit, 所以便便已經從他大腿二側跑出來, 跑出來就算了, 連我的衣服褲子上和我的床上全都是小Zech的便便了!

可是今天威爺帶小若雅去機場接奶奶不在家, 阿媽跟爺爺跟教會的姊妹出去吃飯, 所以我只好自立自強, 趕快把小Zech的衣服全部脫了, 趕快把小Zech再抓去廁所洗手台洗屁屁, 我也趕快換了衣服, 把床單先拿去大概洗沖一下再全部拿去洗衣機洗, 弄了老半天才弄好哩!!!

傍晚餵小Zech喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ, 也不知道怎麼的, 小Zech吐奶吐了全身都是, 又再一次幫他換衣服.....

怎麼覺得一直在幫小Zech換衣服, 小Zech你是要跟你小阿姨一樣去選美, 在做服裝表演嗎? 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.......


Anne said...

Hi Janice,

Saw your blog earlier this year through our mutual friends from the church. But did not want to leave any comments since we don't know each other.

My daughter was 100% breastfeed baby when she was little, she was having same situation (messy 大便) like Zech. My doctor told me that is normal for the breastfeed baby. As long as the color of the stool is not black or white, then he should be fine. I remembered that I was constantly changing clothes for my daughter before.
Take care. I really enjoy reading your Blog.


joy薯 said...


Anonymous said...

My daughter was like that before. I didn't know that was related to breasfeeding. Interesting.


IceCreampuff said...

To Anne,

It is very nice to meet you thru my blog!

Feel free to leave any comments, although we don't really know each other. We can become friends, hehe...

I don't even know when the baby is sick, the color of the stool cuold be "black or white"!
Thanks for your comment!

IceCreampuff said...

To Joy薯,

要不然可以讓SDDD跟我們家小Zech比一比誰大聲, 哈哈哈哈哈哈........

IceCreampuff said...

To Joanne,

We are all learning from the babies, hehe......